1904, ch. 680, sec. 2. 1912, ch. 790, sec. 27.
17. The corporate limits of the town shall be as follows : Commencing
near a large oak tree standing on the east side of the public road lead-
ing from Barnesville to Barnesville Station, and running in a northeast-
erly direction with the northern boundary of the property of John E.
Knott to the southeast corner of a lot owned by Dr. J. H. Stonestreet;
thence north following the eastern boundary of said Stonestreet's lot, the
lot of the L. I. Hays estate and the lot of Thomas Story to the main street
of Barnesville; thence with the south side of said street to a point oppo-
site the eastern line of the schoolhouse lot; thence crossing said main
street and following the eastern and northern line of said schoolhouse lot
to the public road leading from Barnesville to Cormers; thence with
eastern side of said road to northwest corner of Fred P. Hays' woods field;
thence in a straight line crossing said road, and through the lands of
Hilton brothers and others to the southeast corner of a field belonging to
the heirs of Major B. S. White; thence following line of said field
westerly to the mountain road; thence crossing said road and through the
lands of Mr. J. W. Brown in a straight line to the northeast corner of
B. F. Roberson's lot; thence following northern lines of said Roberson's
lot, the M. E. Church lot and Maurice O'Neil's lot to northwest corner
of said O'Neil's lot; thence south to the public road leading to Dickerson;
thence crossing said road and running southwesterly to northwest corner
of Charles R. Darby's land; thence following north line of said Darbys to a
point on said line diverging from which and running south, and then east
to the Poolesville road, will include the residence, outbuildings and three
acres of land in northeast corner of Charles R. Darby's field; thence cross-
ing Poolesville road to east side and running with said east side of road
to the beginning.
1904, ch. 680, sec. 3. 1912, ch. 790, sec. 28.
18. The qualified voters of said town having resided therein for six
months previous to any town election shall, on the first Monday in May,
1912, or so soon thereafter as conveniently may be, and annually there-
after on the first Monday in May, elect three Commissioners of Barnes-
ville to serve for one year, or until their successors shall be duly elected
and qualified. The commissioners must be substantial citizens, resident
within said corporate limits; must have resided therein for not less than
six months next preceding their election; must be owners of real estate
within said corporate limits; must continue to reside within said corpo-
rate limits during their term of office, and must serve without pay, except
the president, who receives the fees hereinafter allowed.
1904, ch. 680, sec. 4. 1912, ch. 790, sec. 29.
19. The three commissioners shall, within ten days after their elec-
tion, choose one of their number president, and all vacancies occurring in
said Board of Commissioners shall be filled by an election held after ten
days' notice given by the remaining commissioners.