3280 ARTICLE 16.
1927, sec. 317, sec. 1.
12. The County Commissioners of Montgomery County are hereby
authorized and empowered to direct an annual audit of the books and
records of any official or employee of Montgomery County whether elected
or appointed whose duty or a part of whose duty it is to receive or dis-
burse public funds payable to or receivable by or on behalf of Montgomery
County, and for the purpose of conducting such audit, the said County
Commissioners are hereby authorized to appoint annually or from time
to time for a shorter term, such auditor or auditors as they may determine
and to pay to the auditor or auditors so employed either by way of salary
or per diem such sum or sums as may be necessary to secure a competent
audit of the finances of the county.
1927, ch. 317, sec. 2.
13. The County Commissioners of Montgomery County, upon the rec-
ommendation of any auditor, appointed by them are hereby authorized
and empowered to direct the installation and maintenance of any system
of bookkeeping or accounting, in the office of any official of Montgomery
County, handling county funds.
1927, ch. 317, sec. 3.
14. Failure or refusal of any official of Montgomery County, charged
with the handling of the piiblic funds, to install or keep the books or
system of bookkeeping or accounting directed by the County Commission-
ers, shall constitute misconduct in office, and any official so refusing or so
neglecting to install or maintain said system shall be subject to removal
from office by the properly constituted authority.
1927, ch. 317, sec. 4.
15. For the purpose of conducting such audits or for carrying out of
' any of the provisions of this Act, the County Commissioners are hereby
authorized and empowered to levy annually against all assessable property
located in said county, such sum or sums as they may in their discretion
deem necessary.
1904, ch. 680, sec. 1. 1912, ch. 790, sec. 26.
16. The citizens of the Town of Barnesville, in Montgomery County,
are hereby created a body corporate by the name of "The Commissioners
of Barnesville," with all the powers and privileges of a body politic and
corporate, and by said corporate name may have perpetual succession,
sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in Court of law or equity, and
may have and use a corporate seal.