1922, ch. 169, sec. 9.
9. Said Citizens' Committee subject to the approval of the said Board
of County Commissioners may adopt such regulations with respect to
dumping garbage, sanitation, erecting of buildings, tearing up streets,
speed regulations, care of property, removal of snow, ice or other police
or health regulations and to provide penalties for the violation thereof,
as said Committee may deem proper.
Any Justice of the Peace in Montgomery County shall have jurisdic-
tion to try and determine any violation of any of said regulations and to
impose penalties thereby provided. The sheriff of said county and his
deputies and any constable in said county shall have authority to arrest
for any violation of said regulations and to execute all writs issued by
any such Justice of the Peace in connection with such regulations or with
the punishment of the persons violating any of them. The procedure shall
be in accordance with that now provided for the trial of misdemeanors.
All proceedings with respect to the violations of such Regulations shall be
conducted by or through and in the name of said Citizens' Committee.
1922, ch. 169, sec. 10.
10. The Treasurer of said Alta Vista Citizens' Committee shall de-
posit all funds coming into his hands, as such, in depositary or depositaries
as may be designated by the majority vote of said committee, duly re-
corded in the minutes thereof, to his credit, as such Treasurer, and that
said Treasurer shall not dispose of any of the funds coming into his hands,
as such Treasurer, except upon check, duly signed by him, as such Treas-
urer, and countersigned by the chairman of said committee, or some mem-
ber thereof acting as chairman; said acting chairman shall be duly au-
thorized to act by resolution of said committee which must be first placed
upon the minutes of the committee.
1924, ch. 529.
11. The resolution of the Board of County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County, passed on the 28th day of August, in the year nineteen
hundred and twenty-two, whereby an issue of bonds in the sum of forty-
five hundred dollars for the purpose of improving certain streets within
the village of Alta Vista was made for the purpose of improving certain
streets within the village of Alta Vista is hereby validated and made a
subsisting obligation of the County Commissioners of Montgomery County,
and all irregularities and defects in the issuances of said bonds are hereby
cured and removed, and the County Commissioners of Montgomery County
are hereby authorized to sell and dispose of said bonds as a subsisting
obligation of the County Commissioners of Montgomery County and for
the purpose of retiring and redeeming said bonds the Commissioners of
said county are authorized to issue a special levy to be assessed against
the property, both real" and personal, within the village of. Alta Vista,
each year hereafter such amount as may be necessary to pay the interest
and principal of said bonds as they may mature.