3278 ARTICLE 16.
may be, the first installment thereof to become due and payable the first
day of July next succeeding the making of such special assessment as
herein elsewhere provided, and to be collected as county taxes in said
county are collected and shall be subject to interest from said first of
July until paid at the rate of six per cent per annum. Each annual in-
stallment shall become a lien against said abutting property, and any
such installment not paid by the first of January following its becoming
due shall be subject to the same penalties and shall be collected in the
same manner as provided for the collection of unpaid taxes in the said
county. All taxes assessed as provided in this section shall be paid over
by the treasurer of said county to the Treasurer of the village of Alta
Vista, who shall devote such funds to the exclusive purpose of paying for
the special improvements herein provided for or any indebtedness which
may be incurred therefor.
1922, ch. 169, sec. 7.
7. For the purpose of making the improvements provided in Section
6 of this subtitle, or for making improvements from time to time other
than maintenance and repairs, the said Citizens' Committee are hereby
authorized and empowered to borrow money at the legal rate of interest
and otherwise contract indebtedness and obligate said village of Alta Vista
in an initial amount not exceeding ten per cent of the assessed valuation
of the real property, and in subsequent amount not exceeding in total in
any calendar year two per cent of the assessed valuation of the real prop-
erty within said village of Alta Vista, and for these purposes said village
of Alta Vista shall be and hereby is constituted a corporation and the
said Citizens' Committee is empowered to act for said corporation. And
be it further provided, that should there be default on bonds or other
indebtedness incurred by the Citizens' Committee of the said village of
Alta Vista for the said village, it shall be the duty of the Board of County
Commissioners of Montgomery County to levy or have levied special gen-
eral taxes against the real property of said village of Alta Vista to the
extent only that such default bonds or incurred indebtedness shall be
1922, ch. 169, sec. 8.
8. Said Alta Vista Citizens' Committee shall not expend for material
or work in connection with any one undertaking a sum exceeding three
hundred (300) dollars without first having advertised for not less than
once a week for three weeks in a newspaper published in the City of
Washington and likewise in a Montgomery County newspaper the specifi-
cations therefor and inviting bids for the same, after which said com-
mittee may purchase such material or make contract for such work, or
have such work done by employing labor, or otherwise, as it may deem
best; Provided that in no event shall more than five hundred (500) dol-
lars be expended on any one project without the consent in writing of
two-thirds of the residents of said village of Alta Vista.