feasance or misfeasance in office, preferred in writing by a member of said
committee, or by petition of two-thirds of the qualified voters participat-
ing at the last preceding election, after due notice of said charge and oppor-
tunity has been given in defense thereof, and a hearing to be fixed there-
for. The said Treasurer and other officers of said village of Alta Vista
shall hold their offices or positions at the pleasure of said Alta Vista Citi-
zens' Committee or in conformity with contracts which may be made by
and between said committee and such officers and employees, for a period
not to extend beyond the limits of the terms of office of said committee.
1922, ch. 169, sec. 6.
6. Said Alta Vista Citizens' Committee is empowered to grade, pave,
macadamize or otherwise improve any existing street, road or lane; or
any road, street or lane, which has been or which may be acquired and
opened for public use, and to lay sidewalks and curbs thereon, and to
establish a lighting system for said street, road or lane; provided,
that said Alta Vista Citizens' Committee, subject to the approval of the
Board of County Commissioners, and after petition of residents and hear-
ing, as hereinafter provided, shall have power to assess the cost of said
grading, paving, macadamizing, lighting, or otherwise improving the prop-
erty abutting on said street, road or lane, or sidewalk, in proportion to
the frontage of said abutting property on the same. Provided fur-
ther that upon the petition in writing of two-thirds of the residents
owning property abutting upon any street, road or lane to be graded, paved,
macadamized, lighted or otherwise to be improved under the provisions of
this section requesting the grading, paving, macadamizing, lighting or
otherwise improving of such streets, roads or lanes it shall be the duty of
the Alta Vista Citizens' Committee to make the assessment against the
abutting property owners, to provide the funds for and cause to be per-
formed the necessary work or construction to be done in accordance with
the provisions herein provided; provided further, that before any
contract for work shall be entered into, or any obligation with respect
thereto incurred, notice shall be given to the owners and others of record
interested in said abutting property of a hearing at which they will be
given an opportunity to be heard, such hearing to be had before said Alta
Vista Citizens' Committee, which shall decide the matters properly
brought before it; any party affected by the final decision of said Alta
Vista Citizens' Committee made after such hearing, shall* the right to
appeal therefrom within ten days to the Circuit Court of Montgomery
All property acquired by the Alta Vista Citizens' Committee under
this section shall be held for the benefit of the citizens of the said village
of Alta Vista.
Any tax assessed as above provided in this section shall be payable to
the County Treasurer in ten annual installments, as nearly equal as
*This is way the Act reads.