3276 ARTICLE 16.
specified in the said notification to the County Commissioners of Mont-
gomery County; and upon receipt of such notification the Board of County
Commissioners is authorized, empowered, and directed to make a levy-
less than the said seventy-five cents in the amount determined and speci-
fied by the said Committee.
1922, ch. 169, sec. 4.
4. From and after the passage of this Act until the first Monday in.
April 1923, the said committee for the said village of Alta Vista shall be
constituted as follows:—J. I. Hambleton, E. R. Harkness, and J. Henry
Brown, the first named shall, until otherwise directed by said committee,
be and constitute the chairman thereof, each of whom shall qualify as.
such Committeeman by taking the oath prescribed by the Constitution of
this State; in case any of such persons shall fail to so qualify within
thirty days after the passage of this Act, or any of their successors shall
fail to so qualify within thirty days after election as such Committeeman,
as hereinafter provided, or in case of any vacancy through death, resigna-
tion, or otherwise, the remaining committeemen shall fill such vacancy by
the appointment of another, qualified under this Act to hold such office,
who shall hold office for such term or unexpired term, provided, how-
ever, that should said remaining committeemen fail to fill any vacancy
so existing before the expiration of 60 days, then the vacancy so existing
shall be filled by the County Commissioners of Montgomery County, upon
receipt of notice in writing from ten per cent of the resident property
owners of said village of Alta Vista. On the first Monday in April in
the year 1923 and on the same day in each year thereafter, an election
shall be held in the said village of Alta Vista for the election of three
committeemen, each of whom shall have been a resident of said village of
Alta Vista for six months previous to said election, and over the age of
twenty-one years, the three said committeemen to be and constitute the
Alta Vista Citizens' Committee for the ensuing year, each of whom shall
qualify within thirty days after said election by taking the oath prescribed
by the Constitution of Maryland, before an officer of the law duly author-
ized to administer same. That the annual election of said committeemen,
as herein provided shall be by ballot in a manner prescribed by the said
Citizens' Committee, the returns thereof shall be made to the Board of
County Commissioners of Montgomery County; all residents of said vil-
lage of Alta Vista for six months previous to said election, and over the
age of twenty-one years, shall be eligible to vote at such election; said elec-
tion shall be conducted by three judges of election and two clerks, to be
appointed by said committee, who shall serve without pay; and the polls
of said election shall be open from seven o'clock P. M. to 9 P. M., on the
first Monday in April as hereinbefore provided.
1922, ch. 169, sec. 5.
5. Any member of the said Alta Vista Citizens' Committee may be
removed by the Board of County Commissioners upon the charge of mal-