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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3275   View pdf image (33K)
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and Locust Avenues in an easterly direction to intersect the northern edge
of Cedar Avenue aforesaid, thence bounding thereon in a straight line
bearing N 86° 54' E to the point of beginning.

1922, ch. 169, sec. 2.

2. The Board of County Commissioners of Montgomery County are
hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to levy and cause to be col-
lected from the property owners at the time of the county tax levy for
the year commencing July 1, 1922, and ending June 30, 1923, and each
succeeding year, within the said village known as Alta Vista, as named
and created by this Act, seventy-five cents on each one hundred (100)
dollars of the assessable value of the real and personal property in said
village, to be collected as all other county taxes in said county are col-
lected; to be paid over by said Board of County Commissioners to the
Treasurer of the village of Alta Vista, herein authorized to be created,
or his successors selected by the majority of the members of said com-
mittee, upon said Treasurer having been duly selected by a majority of
said committee, and giving bond to said Board of County Commissioners
to be approved by the Judge of the Circuit Court for Montgomery County,
in a penal sum to be fixed by said Judge, conditioned upon the faithful
discharge of the duties of said Treasurer; the said Board of County Com-
missioners shall also order and have paid over to said Treasurer the pro-
portion of the county road tax to be levied and collected in the same man-
ner as though the said village of Alta Vista was an incorporated town, and
the said village shall, for that purpose, be considered by said Board of
County Commissioners as an incorporated town in said County; all of
said funds to be used directly by or through said committee, exclusively
for opening, improving, widening, maintaining, repairing and lighting
the streets, roads, lanes, approaches, alleys, sidewalks, parking, drainage,
sewerage, sanitation and other village improvements, and for furnishing
police and fire protection, clerical and other public service, including the
removal of ashes, garbage, and other refuse, and the disposal thereof, and
for the enforcement of the requirements of all conveyances for properties
situated in said village, and for enforcing such building, sanitary and
other regulations as said committee, subject to the approval of the Board
of County Commissioners, may prescribe for said village, or for any part

1922, ch. 169, sec. 3.

3. If in any year the majority of the said Alta Vista Citizens' Com-
mittee shall decide the sum hereinbefore authorized to be taxed and
levied is in excess of the amount required for the ensuing year, then and
in that event the said committee may, on or before April 15 of any year,
notify in writing the County Commissioners of Montgomery to make a
reduction in the said levy of seventy-five cents on each one hundred (100)

dollars of assessable property value, as hereinbefore provided for, the

amount of said reduction to be determined by the said Committee and


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3275   View pdf image (33K)
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