3258 ARTICLE 15.
of Rock Hall exclusively in building, constructing, equipping, maintain-
ing and operating a water supply system including drilled wells, receiving
reservoirs, stand pipes, pumping stations, elevated tanks and towers, mains,
connections and fire hydrants for municipal and commercial purposes and
for supplying water to the citizens of Rock Hall, and the said proceeds
shall be paid out for the purposes mentioned in this Act under the direc-
tion of said Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall.*
1927, ch. 515, sec. 5.
366. The said Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall are hereby empow-
ered and directed to build, construct, equip, maintain and operate a water
supply system including drilled wells, receiving reservoirs, stand pipes,
pumping stations, elevated tanks and towers, mains, connections, and fire
hydrants for municipal and commercial purposes and for supplying water
to the citizens of Rock Hall and the said Mayor and Councilmen of Rock
Ball shall invite by public advertisement at least once a week for three
successive weeks in two or more newspapers published in Kent County,
Maryland, sealed proposals for the furnishing of the materials and for the
doing of the work according to plans and specifications which they shall
order to be made thereof reserving unto themselves the right to accept or
reject any bid or bids which for good reasons shall be made to them, and
to readvertise as herein provided for other bids and to require good and
sufficient bond or bonds with security to be approved by them from the
party or parties contracting to furnish materials and doing the work in
building, constructing and equipping said water supply system including
drilled wells, receiving reservoirs, stand pipes, pumping stations, elevated
tanks and towers, mains, connections and fire hydrants and all necessary
appurtenances thereto, which bonds shall be taken in the name of the
Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall conditioned for the faithful per-
formance of such contract or contracts as may be entered into.
1927, ch. 515, sec. 6.
367. The Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall shall have charge of
the said water works and water system when built and constructed and
shall operate the same with authority to employ and pay such workmen,
laborers and employees as may be necessary to carry on and maintain the
same and supply said town and the inhabitants thereof with water and
shall have authority to purchase materials and supplies necessary to oper-
ate the same and to make repairs and additions thereto as necessity may
require for fire protection and domestic use and to fix, charge and collect
water rates or water rents for the use of said water which water rates or
water rents shall be a lien upon the properties furnished water and to
adopt and provide all necessary rules and regulations therefor.
*Secs. 1-3, ch. 515, 1927, authorized Rock Hall to issue $10,000 of bonds for water
system, the Act being approved by the voters of the town.