from the first Saturday in May, 1912, and that each councilman of Rock
Hall, other than the Mayor, shall receive a salary of one dollar ($1.00)
for each and every meeting such councilmen shall attend, payable at each
meeting, and beginning from the first Saturday in May, 1912.
1914, ch. 530, sec. 4.
362. The Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall are hereby authorized,
empowered and directed to use and apply the said sum of ten thousand
dollars ($10,000.00), or so much thereof as may be necessary, exclusively
to the erection, construction, operation and keeping in repair an electric
lighting plant for the town of Rock Hall, which said electric lighting plant
shall be operated and maintained to supply, so far as practicable, the rea-
sonable demands of the citizens of said town, and other persons carrying
on business therein, and for the people adjacent thereto, with electric light,
and also to the erection and construction of necessary poles, appliances
and wires for the transmission of electricity in and along the streets of
said town and the roads adjacent thereto.
1914, ch. 530, sec. 5.
363. The Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall shall have power to pass
all ordinances necessary for the preservation and protection of said elec-
tric lighting plant, and to regulate by ordinance the charges for appliances,
poles, wires and other supplies and electric light furnished to citizens of
said town and to other persons conducting or carrying on business therein
and adjacent thereto.
1927, ch. 108.
364. The Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall, in Kent County, are
hereby authorized to sell, lease, or to lease with an agreement to sell, the
said Rock Hall Electric Light and Distributing System, in whole or in
parts, to such person or persons, body corporate or bodies corporate, upon
such terms and conditions and for such sums, as in their discretion, the
said Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall, in Kent County shall deter-
mine and deem to be most advantageous for the inhabitants of said town
and to contract for a supply of electric light and power for public use in
said town.
1927, ch. 515, sec. 4.
365. The proceeds from the sale of said bonds, or so much thereof as
may be necessary, shall be used and applied by the Mayor and Councilmen
*Secs. 1-3, ch. 530, 1914, authorized $10,000 of bonds for light plant, the Act
being approved by the voters. The plant has been taken over by the Chestertown
Elec. Light & Power Co. See sec. 364 of this Article.