P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 187. 1867, ch. 47.
368. The citizens of the village of the Head of Sassafras, in Kent
county, are constituted and made a body corporate, by the name of
"Sassafras," with all the privileges of a body corporate, and a common
seal and perpetual succession.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 188. 1867, ch. 47.
369. The male citizens of the Head of Sassafras aforesaid, of the age
of twenty-one years and upwards, being citizens of the United States,
who have resided in said village for or during the space of six months next
preceding thereto, shall elect by ballot, on the first Wednesday in April in
each year, five commissioners for said town, who shall be entitled to vote,
and have resided within the limits of the same one year next preceding
the election.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 189. 1867, ch. 47.
370. All elections shall be held and conducted as shall be from time
to time directed by the laws of the corporation, not inconsistent with tha
provisions of this sub-title of this article and the laws of the State.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 190. 1867, ch. 47.
371. The said commissioners, at their first or second meeting after said
election, shall choose some one of their number president of the board,
whose duty it shall be to preside at their meetings and preserve order and
give such directions as may be deemed necessary by them to carry into
effect the provisions of this sub-title of this article.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 191. 1867, ch. 47.
372. They may meet together from time to time, as often as occasion
may require, upon the business of said town; and if, during the time for
which they are elected, any of the commissioners shall die, resign, remove
from said town, or be otherwise disqualified, the remaining commissioners
may fill the vacancy.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 192. 1867, ch. 47.
373. They shall have power to appoint a clerk and assign his duties.
He shall keep a book or record of all the ordinances and proceedings of
said commissioners, and they may allow him such compensation for
his services as they may think proper, and the said book and proceedings
shall be open at all times for the inspection of any person interested.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 193. 1867, ch. 47.
374. They shall have power to impose fines not exceeding five dollars
in any one case; and all the fines and forfeitures under the ordinances of
the said corporation shall be recoverable before any justice of the peace
in said county.