3256 ARTICLE 15.
190S, ch. 171, sec. 22 (p. 892).
356. The said corporation shall have the power to enact ordinances for
the prevention of cruelty to animals, and fix the penalties for the violation
thereof not inconsistent with the laws of this State.
1908, ch. 171, sec. 23 (p. 892).
357. The said corporation shall have the power to establish regula-
tions for the prevention and extinguishment of fires, to appoint firemen
and appoint, organize and equip fire companies, and to fix the penalties
for the violation of any fire regulation.
1908, ch. 171, sec. 24 (p. 892).
358. The said corporation shall have the power to pass ordinances to
preserve the health of said town, to prevent and remove nuisances, to pre-
vent the introduction of contagious or infectious diseases within the said
town, and within two miles of the same, and may regulate the places for
the erection of slaughter houses, canning factories and whatever other
offensive trade is carried on.
1908, ch. 171, sec. 25 (p. 892).
359. The said corporation shall have full power to construct and keep
in repair all necessary drains and sewers, and to pass such regulations as
may be necessary for the preservation of the same, and may authorize any
person appointed by them to enter upon the lots, grounds and possession
of any person or body politic, through which said sewers or drains may
pass, and regulate, make or repair the same; and may pass such ordinances
as they may deem proper for the protection of the same, and fix penalties
for the violation thereof, to be collected as provided in Section 345 of this
sub-title. The cost of constructing, opening, enlarging or straightening any
sewer in any street or alley, or through any private property shall be
chargeable to the property adjacent thereto, and the said amounts as
charged to the adjacent owners shall be collected in the same manner as
1908, ch. 171, sec. 26 (p. 893). 1920, ch. 412. 1922, ch. 429.
360. All the streets, alleys, lanes and public grounds in the said town
of Rock Hall shall be subject, however, at all times for municipal and
police purposes, to the control of the corporation, who may establish, main-
tain, alter and repair said streets, alleys, lanes and public grounds, and to
make such improvements thereof and thereon as may from time to time
seem to be necessary, as herein provided; and the County Commissioners
of Kent County are hereby authorized and directed to pay to the said cor-
poration the sum of seven hundred dollars ($700), on or before the first
day of January of each year for the purpose of keeping in repair the pub-
lic ways of said town of Rock Hall.
1912, ch. 181, sec. 28.
361. The Mayor of Rock Hall shall receive a salary of twenty-five dol-
lars ($25) per annum, payable half-yearly in equal portions, beginning