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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3250   View pdf image (33K)
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3250 ARTICLE 15.

ber, a secretary and treasurer, who shall continue in office during the term
for which said Councilmen are elected, unless sooner removed for cause
of said Councilmen, and the said Councilmen shall require of said treas-
urer a bond in the penalty to be by them fixed, conditioned upon the faith-
ful discharge of his duties as such treasurer. In case of the absence of the
presiding officer from any meeting of said Councilmen, they may choose
from among their number a president pro tem, who shall preside at such
meeting. The treasurer shall in no case pay out any money except upon
the written order of the president or executive officer of the corporation,
and every officer of the corporation shall promptly, upon the termination
of his term of office, turn over to his successor all property or money per-
taining to his office promptly, on demand by such successor. All records
shall be public and open to inspection at reasonable hours of the day to
any citizen of Rock Hall. In case of removal for cause of any officer, the
councilmen may appoint a successor to act during the pleasure of the
Councilmen, or until the next regular election and qualification of such
officer. All moneys in the hands of the treasurer shall be applied to the
payment of orders drawn by the president in the order in which they are
drawn, if seasonably presented by the legal holders thereof for payment,
but the corporate orders, duly executed, shall be receivable for corporation
taxes, payable by the legal holders thereof.

1908, ch. 171, sec. 4 (p. 886).

338. The Councilmen of Rock Hall shall, at least ten days prior to the
first Saturday in May, 1908, and annually thereafter, give notice of the
time and place of holding an election for Councilmen of said town, by
posting printed notices in three of the most public places in said town, and
at some meeting of the said Councilmen prior to the said first Saturday
in May, 1908, and each year thereafter, they shall appoint three citizens
of the said town of Rock Hall to act as judges of said election, who, before
acting as such, shall take the general oath prescribed by Section 6 of Arti-
cle 1 of the Constitution of Maryland, and shall qualify in the same man-
ner prescribed for judges of State and county elections in the State; and
the said judges shall have power to appoint two competent persons to act
as clerks to said elections, who shall qualify as provided by existing laws
for clerks of election, and shall perform their duties in the same manner
as is therein prescribed. The polls shall be opened at 2 o'clock P. M. and
close at 6 o'clock P. M. on such election days, and the said judges shall,
within three days after each election, notify the person who shall have re-
ceived the greatest number of legal votes of their election, and shall make
return of such election, and shall deposit their polls as directed by the ordi-
nances of said board of Councilmen, and the same persons who shall re-
spectively receive the highest number of votes shall be the Councilmen for
the said town for the ensuing year, and until their successors are duly
elected and qualified. And the elections held in such town shall not be
required to be conducted in conformity to the requirements of Article 33
of the Annotated Code, or any amendment thereto.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3250   View pdf image (33K)
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