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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3251   View pdf image (33K)
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1908, ch. 171. sec. 5 (p. 887).

339. If it shall happen that any of the persons voted for and duly
elected shall, from any cause, fail to qualify, then and in that place the
person receiving the next highest number of votes shall be deemed to have
been elected, and shall be so informed by the judges of elections, and shall
thereupon be entitled to qualify as one of said Councilmen.

1908, ch. 171, sec. 6 (p. 887).

340. In case of death, resignation, refusal to act or disqualification of
any Councilman, the remaining Councilmen, not less than a quorum, shall
choose some person duly qualified and eligible, a Councilman for the un-
expired term.

1908, ch. 171, sec. 7 (p. 887).

341. The said R. S. Crew, A. Alexander, J. A. Casey, T. B. Durding
and Joseph Downey, hereinbefore appointed Councilmen of said town,
shall meet within thirty days from the passage of this Act, and take the
oath of office prescribed before a justice of the peace for Kent county, and
organize as a board by the election of one of their number as president,
who shall act as Mayor and executive officer, and appoint a secretary and
treasurer, one or more policemen and a collector of taxes, and such other
officers as may be found necessary, and do and perform all things required
or allowed to be done by the Mayor and Councilmen of Rock Hall under
the provisions of this Act; and they are hereby invested with all powers,
and are to perform all the duties authorized or required to be done by the
said corporation under this Act, and shall continue in office until the first
election under this Act, and until their successors are elected and qualified.

1908, ch. 171, sec. 8 (p. 887).

342. The president of said board of Councilmen and Mayor, by virtue
of his office as president and Mayor, shall have all the jurisdiction and
powers of a justice of the peace, except as to the recovery of debts, and
may call upon any officer of said town, entrusted with the receipts and ex-
penditures of public money, for a statement of his accounts as often as he
may think necessary. He shall see that the ordinances of the board are
duly and faithfully executed, and shall report annually to the board of
Councilmen at their first annual meeting, the general state of the affairs
of the town, with an accurate account of all moneys received and expended
during the preceding year, to be made public for the information of the

1908, ch. 171, sec. 9 (p. 888).

343. The Councilmen of said town shall meet regularly at least once a
month at a time to be fixed by an ordinance of said town, and shall hold
such meetings as may be necessary for the dispatch of business.

1908, ch. 171, sec. 10 (p. 888).

344. Said Councilmen shall fix the compensation and fees of all officers
appointed by said board. They shall keep a journal of their proceedings


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3251   View pdf image (33K)
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