shall have perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded
in any court of law or equity whatsoever; may purchase and hold real,
personal and mixed property, and may sell and convey the same, and may
have and use a common seal and the same alter at pleasure.
1908, ch. 171, sec. 2 (p. 884). 1912, ch. 181, sec. 2.
336. The boundaries of said town shall be as follows: Beginning at
the head waters of Rock Hall Creek, on the boundary lie between the lands
of Thomas Joiner and the lands of Abraham Alexander, and running
thence in an easterly direction with said boundary line about five hundred
feet to the lands of Pauline Ascher; thence running with the boundary
line between the lands of Pauline Ascher and Abraham Alexander to the
public road leading from Rock Hall to Grey's Inn; thence running in an
easterly direction to the boundary line between the lands of George L.
Maslin and Abraham Alexander on the public road leading from Ches-
tertown to Grey's Inn, and continuing said line easterly two hundred
(200) feet to a stone on division line of G. L. Maslin and A. Alexander
by a stone; thence by a straight line to a stone on the east side of the
public road leading from Rock Hall to Chestertown. Said point being
distant 100 feet south from the Arch Bridge over Grey's Inn Creek, said
point being marked by a stone; thence by a straight line northwesterly
to a point on the north side of the Haven road, marked by a stone; thence
north parallel with the public road leading from Rock Hall Cross Roads
to Denby, 200 feet; thence west to W. M. Miller's line; thence by a straight
line to the extreme end of Windmill Point; thence by a straight line to
the place of beginning.
1908, ch. 171, sec. 3 (p. 884). 1927, ch. 575.
337. The legal voters of Rock Hall who have resided within the cor-
porate limits six months preceding an election, and who are assessed for
taxes on real or personal property to the amount of one hundred dollars
or more, and all persons who own and are assessed for taxes or any inter-
est in real or personal estate in said town to the value of one hundred
dollars or over, of the age of twenty-one years and upwards, shall elect by
ballot, on the first Saturday of May of each year, commencing the first
Saturday of May, 1908, three councilmen of the said town of Rock Hall,
all of whom shall be qualified voters of said town, and above twenty-one
years of age, and each of whom shall receive a salary of one hundred dol-
lars per annum payable in equal instalments semi-annually. A majority
of said councilmen shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of busi-
ness. The Councilmen shall meet on the third Saturday in May of each
year, or as soon after said date as possible, and take the oath of office to
support and maintain the Constitution and laws of the State of Maryland,
and to perform the duties of their offices as Councilmen of Rock Hall to
the best of their ability, without fear, favor, affection or partiality. They
shall choose one of their number as their president, who shall also act as
Mayor and executive officer of the said town of Rock Hall. The said
Councilmen shall also choose, not necessarily from among their own num-