or other obstruction of the bed or channel of said creek or river in any
manner, and for this purpose, said Mayor and City Council shall have
jurisdiction extending one mile beyond the limits of the City of Cumber-
land as now or hereafter established, and said Mayor and City Council
shall also have the power and authority to provide by ordinance such
penalties as said Mayor and City Council may deem proper for the viola-
tion of any of the provisions of this and the preceding section, under all
the powers and authority which the said Mayor and City Council now
have for the passage of ordinances imposing penalties, provided, how-
ever, that said ordinance or ordinances shall not impose any penalty in
excess of one hundred dollars ($100.00) for each offense, and one hun-
dred dollars ($100.00) for each day said offense continues.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 18.
132. The Mayor and City Council of Cumberland, in addition to and
not in limitation of the powers granted in the preceding sections of this
Act, shall have the power and authority to do any and all things neces-
sary or helpful in raising, strengthening or otherwise changing the walls
on both sides of Will's Creek within the limits of the City of Cumberland;
to dredge, widen, deepen or otherwise change the bed of said Will's Creek
within said limits; to remove all dams or other obstructions in the bed of
said Will's Creek within said limits; to strengthen, modify or otherwise
change the piers, abutments or other sub-structures of any and all bridges
across said Will's Creek in said limits; to widen, deepen, dredge and
otherwise remove obstructions from the channel of the Potomac River
below the present Chesapeake and Ohio Canal dam at Cumberland for a
distance of one mile below said dam; to provide for the payment of the
expenses necessary to carry out any and all of the aforegoing powers, and
to provide for the repayment of these expenses or any part thereof by
means of levying special assessments against the property or properties
benefited by the exercise of any and all of the aforegoing powers, or to
provide for the repayment of said expenses or any part thereof with money
raised by general or special taxation levied on all the assessable property
in said City; to exercise the power of eminent domain in securing all such
property and rights therein as may be necessary and proper, for the car-
rying out of any and all of said powers, and to exercise said power under
all the authority given by the Public General Laws of Maryland to cor-
porations authorized to acquire land or any other property rights by con-
demnation; to acquire by purchase, gift or otherwise any and all property
necessary or useful in carrying out any and all of said powers; to have
any and all work performed which may be necessary or useful in carrying
out any and all of said powers, and to let contracts for said work or any
part thereof on competitive bids, or to have said work performed or any
part thereof by its own employees, servants, and agents; to enter in and
upon any land or other property where such entry will be necessary or
helpful in carrying out any or all of the aforegoing powers, and to pay
the owner or owners of said property any damage occasioned them by said