of said assessment as aforesaid, said Mayor and City Council shall provide
by ordinance for the giving of notice by publication or by service of
written notice personally upon the parties to be affected by said proposed
liens, and allowing them to be heard 'before any such liens are filed, and
thereafter said Mayor and City Council shall file said liens as hereinafter
specified against said properties, and said liens shall be preferred liens
the same as City taxes now are; provided, said. Mayor and City Council
shall, within four months after the time fixed for hearing by said notice,
file with the Clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County a statement
showing the whole amount expended in carrying into effect and completing
said Partial Flood Prevention Plan, and the names of the owners and
other parties among whom the said sum has been apportioned, and the
amount apportioned to each, and a general description of the property
owned by each of said owners upon which said sums are intended to
operate as a lien, or a reference to the deed or other instrument under
which said property is held, and said statement shall constitute a lien on
said property, and shall bear interest at the rate of six per cent, per annum
from the date on which it is filed, for the space of five years, and no
longer, unless the same shall be revived or enforced by scire facias to be
issued and enforced in the same manner as is now provided by the Charter
of the City of Cumberland for paving liens, and any owner or other
interested party may test the validity of such lien in the same way and
by the same method as is now provided for testing the validity of paving
liens by Section 79 of this Article.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 15.
129. Said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland for the purpose of
carrying out the provisions of this Act may acquire land or rights in
land in the State of West Virginia if, in its judgment, such land or rights
in land be desirable, and can also hold stock in any corporation or corpo-
rations holding land or rights in land in West Virginia which said Mayor
and City Council deems desirable for the purpose of carrying out the
provisions of this Act or any of them, and may provide for the formation
of such corporation or corporations.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 16.
130. Said Mayor and City Council shall have the right to police the
works and improvements carried on or completed under said Partial Flood
Prevention Plan, and shall also have the right to prevent persons, vehicles
or live stock from passing over the works in any manner which would re-
sult in damage thereto.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 17.
131. Said Mayor and City Council shall have the right to prohibit the
dumping or placing of anything or substance of any kind or character in
or along the banks of Will's Creek or the Potomac River, or the filling in