entry or entries; and to do any and all things which may be necessary
or useful in any way in preventing floods or lessening the danger of floods
in the City of Cumberland, or in carrying out the provisions of such Par-
tial Flood Prevention Plan as said Mayor and City Council of Cumber-
land may, in their discretion, adopt for the purpose of preventing or les-
sening the danger of floods from Will's Creek in said City of Cumberland,
or in preparing or having prepared other plans for flood prevention in
said City.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 18A.
133. The said Mayor and City Council shall not in carrying out any
or all the provisions of this Act expend any money in excess of the
amount of money received from the sale of seventy-five thousand ($75,000)
Dollars of Flood Prevention Bonds of 1927 and seventy-five thousand
($75,000) dollars of Flood Prevention Notes of 1927 authorized by Chap-
ter 706 of the Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland of 1927.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 19.
134. For the purposes of this Act and in the exercise of all the powers
and rights granted by it, said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland
shall have jurisdiction within the present limits of the City of Cumberland
and for a mile in any direction outside of said limits, within the State of
1927, ch. 479, sec. 20.
135. Said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall have full
power and authority to fix the term or terms of service and the Compensa-
tion of ail persons appointed on any of the Commissions authorized by
this Act.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 21.
136. Said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall have full
power and authority to provide by orders or ordinances for the carrying
out of any and all of the provisions of this Act.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 22.
137. This Act, where the context so admits, shall be construed as though
the word "or" were written "and/or" and as though the word "and" were
written "and/or."
1927, ch. 479, sec. 23.
138. All Acts or parts of Acts in conflict with this Act are hereby
repealed to the extent that they conflict with this Act and no further.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 24.
139. Each section of this Act and every part of each section are hereby
declared to be independent sections, and the holding of any section or