two newspapers printed and published in Chestertown, and deliver or mail
to each taxpayer a bill of his taxes, and the taxes so levied shall be due
and payable on the first day of September of the year in which they are
so levied. On the first day of January in each year taxes shall be deemed
to be in arrears, and interest shall be charged and collected on all taxes not
then paid from September the first, the date when they become due and
payable; and immediately after the first day of January the treasurer
shall deliver or mail to each delinquent who has not prior thereto received
the same on account of his assessment and the taxes and interest due
thereon, with a notice and warning to said delinquent thereto attached,
that unless payment be made in full within thirty days that the same will
be collected by process of law.
1906, ch. 528, sec. 59C. 1908, ch. 311 (p. 877).
100. The said Commissioners shall have full power to make all regu-
lations and ordinances not inconsistent with the Constitution and laws of
this State as from time to time they may deem necessary or expedient for
the comfort, convenience and prosperity of the said town and its inhabi-
tants ; for the prevention, removal and abatement of any nuisance and the
preservation of health, the suppression of vice and immorality and to reg-
ulate by ordinance the hours of the night when children under the age of
sixteen years shall not be allowed in the streets, lanes or alleys of Chester-
town, except in going to or returning from divine worship, or in company
with a parent or guardian, and for the general police regulation within
the limits of said town, and provide fines, penalties and forfeitures for the
violation of any of the ordinances passed by said Commissioners, but no
fine or penalty shall exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars.
1906, ch. 528, sec. 59D.
101. No person or corporation shall keep a dog or bitch in said town
without obtaining a license from the commissioners for that purpose in
the month of October in each and every year, paying at the time of the
license being granted one dollar for each dog and one dollar and fifty
cents for every bitch, and at such times and for such periods as the com-
missioners may by ordinance require; every dog and bitch shall be prop-
erly muzzled, and every dog and bitch found running at large in said town
without being licensed or muzzled as aforesaid shall be shot or otherwise
destroyed by the bailiffs or police of said town.
1906, ch. 528, sec. 59E.
102. The bailiffs and police appointed by the said commissioners are
hereby vested within the corporate limits of said towns with the same
power and authority as any constable may now or hereafter have under
the laws of this State. They may make immediate arrest, without war-
rant, of any person violating any town ordinance, whenever, in the judg-
ment of said bailiff or police, the delay necessary to the issuing of war-
rants would be dangerous to the peace and quiet of the town, or the lives,