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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3182   View pdf image (33K)
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3182 ARTICLE 15.

limbs- or property of the citizens; and when it shall appear that the
offender is intoxicated so as to render it unsafe to permit him to ride or
drive through the streets of said town, shall provide for the custody of the
horse or horses, vehicle or vehicles, or driven by such persons, in some
place of safety until such offenders shall become sober; and the said com-
missioners shall by ordinance subject the property so taken and deposited
to the payment of all costs of the proceedings and the keeping of said
property., until the same shall be released according to law.

1906, ch. 528, sec. 59F.

103. All fines and forfeitures imposed for the violation of any ordi-
nance lawfully passed by the said commissioners, or -hereafter that may
be lawfully passed by said commissioners, may be recovered before the
police justice of the Fourth Election District of Kent county-; and upon
the complaint made before him for the violation of any such law or ordi-
nance, the said police justice shall forthwith issue process in the name of
"The Commissioners of Chestertown," for the recovery of the fine, penalty
or forfeiture imposed for the violation of such law or ordinance against
the party offending, and may hear and determine the matter, and render
judgment as in any case arising under the laws of this State, and shall
receive the same fees therefor; and in default of payment of such fines,
penalty or forfeiture, or full and ample security for the same, satisfac-
tory to said police justice, payable within thirty days thereafter, he shall
commit the party defendant in said judgment to the county jail of Kent
county for a period not exceeding thirty days, and the sheriff of Kent
county shall receive and confine the party so committed, and shall be
entitled to receive the same compensation therefor as is now allowed by
law for the custody of prisoners to be paid by the said commissioners of

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 60. 1882, ch. 201.

104. They may contract and agree with the owner of property through
or over which a street is to be extended, widened or opened, for the
amount of damages sustained by or advantages accruing to such owner,
and may provide for the adjustment and payment of the same.

P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 61. 1882, ch. 201.

105. Whenever said commissioners and the owner of any such property
cannot so agree, then said commissioners and such owner shall each select
one disinterested citizen of the county, who, if they cannot agree, shall
call in a third citizen of the county, and they shall visit the property to
be affected by the proposed street, and assess the damages and advantages
which may accrue to such property or the owner thereof, and they shall
make their award in writing to said commissioners and to such owner;
and either party may appeal from such award to the circuit court for
Kent county; provided, the opposite party be notified of such appeal with
in thirty days from the date of the award.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3182   View pdf image (33K)
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