3180 ARTICLE 15.
contract for water supply for fire purposes, and provide for the payment
of the same; to erect lamps and light the streets, or contract for the light-
ing of the same, and provide for the payment thereof; to locate and re-
strain, or to prohibit and suppress the keeping of hogs or shoats, slaughter
houses, fertilizer factories, or houses for the storage of fertilizers, within
the town limits; to purchase and keep in proper condition, hose, hose car-
riages, engines, ladders, trucks, and other apparatus for extinguishing
fires and protecting property from fire, and to erect and keep in repair
proper buildings therefor; to require bonds, with penalties, from officers
of the town, for the faithful performance of duty; to protect the property
of any water company, or gas or electric light company, or the owner of
such, which may supply water, gas or electric light to the town or citizens -
thereof, and generally for the promotion and securing of the health and
good government of the town, and to give effect to the powers vested in
said commissioners.
1900, ch. 441, sec. 59A. 1906, ch. 528, sec. 59A.
98. In addition to the powers conferred on the commissioners of Ches-
tertown by Section 97 of this Article, they shall have power to regulate by
ordinance the building and maintenance of party walls, partition fences,
parapet and fire walls, smoke flues, fire-places, hot-air flues, boilers, smoke-
stacks, chimneys and stovepipes, and to have any such removed, repaired
or reconstructed, whenever in the judgment of said commissioners the same
may be dangerous to or menace the property wherein such structures are,
or any adjacent or contiguous property, and the expenses of such altera-
tion, removal, repairing or reconstruction when done by the town commis-
sioners shall be a lien on the property where such work is done, and may
by ordinance require the owners or occupants of any lot abutting on the
streets, lanes and alleys of said town to remove the snow from the side-
walk in front of said lot and to impose a fine or penalty for the failure to
do so; they may also by ordinance establish such a sewerage system as may
be necessary for the proper drainage of said town, and which may be most
conducive to the health and sanitation of said town, and they may impose
on and collect from persons using the same a tax for the use of said sewers,
which said tax shall be collected in like manner as other taxes are collected
in said town, and shall be a lien on the property on which it is assessed;
they may also from time to time by ordinance provide for the paving of
any streets in said town which they may deem advisable to be paved and
to assess the properties on each side of said street for a proportionate
share of the cost of such pavement not exceeding one-third of such cost
each to respective owners of the properties on each side of said street and
make all assessments levied under this Act a lien upon the said respective
properties, to be collected in the same manner as taxes now levied under
the provisions of Article 81 of the Code of Public General Laws.
1902, ch. 465, sec. 59B.
99. It shall be the duty of the treasurer each year as soon as the annual,
levy is made to give public notice thereof, by advertisement inserted in