P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 57. 1860, Art. 14, sec. 40.
95. Each commissioner shall, before some justice of the peace for
Kent county, take an oath that he will diligently, faithfully and imparti-
ally, to the best of his judgment, perform the duties of a commissioner of
said town, without favor to or resentment against any person.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 58. 1860, Art. 14, sec. 41.
96. The said commissioners shall meet on the first Monday in every
month, and as much oftener as may be requisite, for the transaction of
business, and shall appoint a clerk, whose duty it shall be to keep fair
and faithful minutes of their proceedings in well bound books to be pro-
vided by them for that purpose, and they may dismiss said clerk at pleas-
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 59. 1866, ch. 125. 1888, ch. 227.
97. They shall have power to adopt and enforce, by proper fines and
penalties, all by-laws and ordinances necessary for the good govern ment
of said town; to protect and preserve the property and health of the in-
habitants thereof; to prevent, abate and remove nuisances; to lay out and
establish new streets and alleys, and to widen, straighten, grade, extend
or close up any street or alley; to locate, lay out, construct and keep in
repair all necessary drains, sewers, sidewalks, culverts and bridges; to
provide for the appointment and compensation of bailiffs, police and other
officers, and to define their duties; to erect and regulate markets; to pro-
vide for the inspection and cleaning of chimneys and private premises; to
establish and regulate wards and fire companies; to restrain or prohibit
gaming; to license bowling alleys, billard and pool tables, theatrical and
other public amusements; to regulate and protect water pipes, fire plugs,
hydrants, sewers, fountains, pumps and water apparatus in the streets and
alleys of the town; to fix, impose and collect fines, penalties and for-
feitures for the breach of the by-laws or ordinances of the town; to levy
and collect taxes on the assessable property within the town limits; to re-
quire the laying of gutters and the paving of the sidewalks by the owners
of the adjoining property, and the keeping of them in repair; to provide
for the arrest and fining, or commitment to the Kent county jail, of all
vagrants, tramps, drunken or disorderly persons; to cause surveys and
plats of the streets and town lots to be made, and when adopted by said
commissioners, to be recorded in the office of the clerk of the circuit court
for Kent county; to prevent and prohibit all encroachments upon the
streets; to impose an annual tax upon dogs and public carts; prohibit
horses, cows or other animals from running at large; to regulate the erec-
tion of buildings, and prohibit the construction of wooden buildings where
the fire risk would warrant it, unless the same be protected by fire walls;
to preserve order, and protect persons and property from violence, danger
and destruction; to erect hospitals or pest houses, and provide for the
proper management of the same; to restrain or prohibit fast driving
through the streets; the firing of guns, pistols, cannons or fireworks; to