3172 ARTICLE 15.
1890, ch. 85, sec. 1.
69. The county commissioners of Kent county and the county com-
missioners of Queen Anne's county respectively, instead of providing for
the payment of the capital stock and property, franchises, rights and
privileges of said Chester bridge company in case of the purchase thereof
in three equal annual instalments of one, two and three years by levies
as provided in said act to which this is a supplement, are hereby respec-
tively authorized, empowered and directed to issue coupon bonds of their
respective counties, according to their respective proportions of the sum
necessary to purchase said capital stock, property, franchises, rights and
privileges as may be agreed on between them, in denominations of not
less than one hundred dollars, nor more than five hundred dollars, and to
an. amount not exceeding their respective proportions of par value of the
capital stock of said Chester bridge company, or such other sums less
than that as may be required to make said purchase, said bonds to bear
interest at a rate not exceeding six per cent, per annum payable annually,
and to mature and fall due as follows: one-third of the whole amount
thereof in eleven years from the date of issuing the same, one-third thereof
in thirteen years from the date of issuing the same, and the remaining third
thereof in fifteen years from the date of issuing the same, and the bonds
issued under this act shall not be liable to taxation for State, county,
municipal or town purposes, and said bonds issued by the county commis-
sioners of Kent county shall be signed by the president of said board of
county commissioners and countersigned by the clerk thereof, and under
the corporate seal of said board of county commissioners, and said bonds
issued by the county commissioners of Queen Anne's county shall be signed
by the president of said board of county commissioners and countersigned
by the clerk thereof, and under the corporate seal of said board of county
commissioners; and the said county commissioners jointly or severally
are authorized and empowered to sell and dispose of said bonds at not
less than their par value, and to apply the proceeds thereof to the pay-
ment of the capital stock, property, franchises, rights and privileges of
said bridge company, and the said commissioners shall respectively, levy
annually on the taxable inhabitants and property of their respective coun-
ties a sum of money sufficient to pay the interest on the bonds to be issued
as aforesaid for their respective counties, and shall respectively levy on
the taxable inhabitants and property of their respective counties a sum
of money sufficient to pay the principal of said bonds to be issued by them
respectively, as aforesaid, as they mature, and that said purchase, if prac-
ticable, shall be effected at the earliest date possible.
Twilley v. Perkins, 77 Md. 252.
1890, ch. 85, sec. 2.
70. Said commissioners for their respective counties are authorized
and empowered to levy on the taxable property of their respective coun-
ties in such proportions as may be agreed on between them, a sum or
sums of money sufficient to place said bridge in safe and satisfactory con-