(All local bird and game laws were repealed by 'ch. 568, 1927. See 1929 Supple-
ment to Annotated Code, Art. 99.)
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 43. 1860, Art. 14, sec. 31. 1888, ch. 376.
67. The county commissioners of Kent county and the county com-
missioners of Queen Anne's county, or a majority of them, respectively,
are authorized and empowered to negotiate with the stockholders of the
Chester river bridge company, or their duly constituted agent, and pur-
chase the capital stock of said bridge company at a price not exceeding
the par value thereof, and provide for the payment thereof in one, two
and three annual instalments, as may be agreed on, by levies on their
respective counties in the proportions said respective boards of commis-
sioners may agree upon between themselves as properly chargeable to their
respective counties; and upon the purchase and payment thereof, said
commissioners shall have prepared and executed a deed from said bridge
company for all the property, rights and franchises of said company to
said Kent and Queen Anne's counties in the proportions of ownership,
as shall be agreed on and established by their several boards of county
commissioners in the purchase thereof, to be taken, held and perpetuated
as a free bridge and public thoroughfare between said counties.
Twilley v. Perkins, 77 Md. 252.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 15, sec. 44. 1860, Art. 14, sec. 32. 1888, ch. 376.
68. There shall be a keeper of said bridge, who shall be appointed for
a term of two years by the joint action of the county commissioners of
Kent and Queen Anne's counties, at a salary that may be agreed on
between them; and the said bridge shall be kept in good repair, and the
said keeper shall attend the draw thereof so as to admit the passage of
steamboats, vessels and other water-craft through said draw-way at all
proper hours; and said keeper may be appointed supervisor for the repair
of said bridge or to superintend the repair thereof, under the direction
and authority of said county commissioners; and all the expenses of salary
and repair as aforesaid shall be borne by said counties in the proportion
of their respective ownerships in said bridge; and the amount necessary
to keep said bridge in repair, and to pay the keeper's salary, shall be
annually levied by said respective commissioners upon their respective
counties in the proportions as aforesaid; and the liabilities of said respec-
tive counties for damages received shall be also in the proportions as
*The State Roads Commission was directed by ch. 443, 1912, to accept and main-
tain this bridge, on the passage of resolutions by the County Commissioners of
Queen Anne's and Kent Counties, transferring same without cost to said Commis-
sion. If such resolutions were passed, secs. 67-75 are no longer operative.