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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 317   View pdf image (33K)
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or advisable to carry out such plan, without being liable for more than
the actual damage done, but no unnecessary damage shall be done, and
wherever possible permission to do such preliminary and final work shall
be obtained on such terms as said Mayor and City Council may deem

1927, ch. 479, sec. 9.

123. In order to prevent or lessen the danger from floods in said City
of Cumberland, and particularly to carry out any and all of the provi-
sions of said Partial Flood Prevention Plan and to accomplish any and
all of the purposes designed to be accomplished by said Plan and by this
Act, said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland is authorized and em-
powered to clean out, dredge, straighten, widen, deepen, divert, alter or
change the course of Will's Creek or any other natural or artificial water
course, or any ditch, drain or sewer within said City, and to fill up the
same or any of them; to construct and maintain main and lateral ditches,
sewers, sewer gates, pumps, canals, levees, dikes, dams, sluices, revetments,
reservoirs, holding basins, floodways, pumping stations, siphons, or other
similar works or instruments; to heighten, lower, alter, modify or other-
wise change the banks of Will's Creek and the Potomac River; to erect
walls along or at any point or points within three hundred (300) feet of
said banks or any of them, and to raise, heighten, add to, lower, strengthen
or otherwise change, alter or modify existing walls now located along said
banks or any of them or within three hundred (300) feet of said banks
or any of them; to strengthen, narrow, and otherwise change and modify
the piers and other sub-structures of any and all existing bridges over said
Will's Creek and the Potomac River; to remove all dams and other ob-
structions in the beds of either of said streams, and to lower or otherwise
change and modify such dams and other obstructions, and to change the
construction and operation of the same; to elevate, lower and change the
grade and location of streets, alleys and roadways, both public and pri-
vate, and to close or open the same, under all the powers which now exist
in said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland for said purposes and by
the same methods; to remove, mode], rebuild, change the location of, or
otherwise alter, change or modify any and all sheds, houses, stables,
garages, storerooms, or other buildings of every description, and also all
fences, gates, doorways, windows, openings of all sorts, viaducts, and
canal and railroad works and construction of every sort and description;
to reclaim, fill in, or remove wet and overflowed land and islands, and to
clear the same of all trees, bushes, and other foliage; to regulate the flow
of Will's Creek or the Potomac River to construct any and all of the
works herein authorized across, through and over any gas, electric light,
water power, canal or railroad company property or right of way, or any
public or private highway, street, road or alley, and to operate, repair, and
otherwise maintain any and all of said works; to buy, own, hold, lease,
control, condemn, or otherwise acquire real and personal property, and
any rights in the same, including riparian rights, easements, rights of way,


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 317   View pdf image (33K)
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