wharf rights, mill rights, water rights, franchises, rights of ingress and
egress, and rights to light and air; to acquire all the material to be used
in constructing and maintaining the works and improvements hereby
authorized; and to do all the foregoing things and any other thing or things
necessary and proper in preventing or lessening the danger from floods
in said City of Cumberland and carrying out any and all of the provisions
of said Partial Flood Prevention Plan; provided, however, that the fore-
going rights and powers, and those hereinafter granted, shall be exer-
cised by said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland only within the
present limits of said City and within a distance of one mile in any direc-
tion beyond said limits.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 10.
124. If the Mayor and City Council of Cumberland shall determine to
carry out said Partial Flood Prevention Plan or any part thereof by con-
tract, or contracts, it shall advertise for bids upon the work contemplated,
and shall furnish specifications to prospective bidders for the work to be
contracted for, and said advertisement shall be published once a week for
two consecutive weeks in two newspapers published in the City of Cum-
berland, and said Mayor and City Council may let said contract to the
lowest responsible bidder, or said Mayor and City Council may reject all
bids and re-advertise. Such contract or contracts, when awarded, shall be
reduced to writing and shall be accompanied by or shall refer to plans and
specifications for the work to be done prepared by an engineer, and each
contractor shall give a good and approved bond, with ample security, con-
ditioned upon the proper performance of said contract or contracts.
1927, ch. 479, sec. 11.
125. Said Mayor and City Council of Cumberland for the purpose of
carrying out all or any part of the work necessary in putting into effect
or completing said Partial Flood Prevention Plan, or in carrying out or
exercising any of the powers granted by this Act, shall have a right of
eminent domain over all property and property rights to be affected by
said Plan, or necessary and proper in carrying out said Plan, and shall
particularly have the right to condemn any and all walls, foundations,
windows, doorways, rights to light or air, sewers, or any outlet or intake,
in or along either side of Will's Creek within the limits of the City of
Cumberland, any and all sheds, houses, fences, buildings or other struc-
tures or improvements in said Will's Creek Flood District, the bed, chan-
nel and banks of Will's Creek and any and all riparian rights in or to
said Will's Creek within said City Limits, and said right to condemn shall
include the right to change, alter, modify or remove any or all of said
properties and rights, or any part or parts thereof, and to subject the same
to permanent, temporary or partial uses, or any of them. And said Mayor
and City Council of Cumberland shall also have a dominant right of
eminent domain over the right of eminent domain of any railroad, tele-
graph, telephone, electric light, gas, water power, canal or other company