for general police regulations within the limits of said town, and to im-
pose fines and penalties for violations thereof, to be collected as provided
for in the last preceding Section 6 (Sec. 47 in this Act).*
1906, ch. 227, sec. 13.
53. The said commissioners shall have power to pass ordinances re-
quiring all circus or theatrical performances, shows, plays and public
entertainments for which an admission fee is charged to take out a license
before giving an exhibition in said town, and to fix the cost of said license,
and shall have the power to pass all ordinances to provide for regulating
peddlers of nostrums, notions, patent, secret or pretended inventions and
remedies, on the streets, alleys or sidewalks of said town.
1906, ch. 227, sec. 14.
53A. Said commissioners may provide by ordinance for the imme-
diate arrest without warrant of any person violating any town ordinance,
when in the judgment of the said president or of the constable or police
of the town the delay necessary to the issuing of warrants would be dan-
gerous to the peace and quiet of the town or to the lives, limbs or property
of the citizens; and when it shall appear that offender is intoxicated so
as to render it unsafe to permit him to ride or drive through the streets
of said town, shall provide for the custody of the horse or horses, vehicle
or vehicles, ridden or driven by such persons, in some place of safety until
such offender or offenders shall become sober; and the said commission-
ers shall by ordinance subject the property so taken and deposited to the
payment of all cost of the proceedings and the keeping of the said prop-
erty until the same shall be released according to law.
1906, ch. 227, sec. 15.
54. The police and the other officers of the peace appointed by the said
commissioners under the powers conferred by this Act are hereby vested
with the same power and authority as any constable or police officer may
now or hereafter have under the laws of the State.
1906, ch. 227, sec. 16.
55. The justices of the peace resident in said town are hereby declared
to be the conservators of the peace of said town, and it shall be their duty
to order the arrest of any person or persons found breaking the peace or
disturbing the quiet or order of said town or violating any of the ordi-
nances made by the commissioners for securing the safety, health, prop-
erty or lives of the inhabitants of said town, destroying or injuring the
property of said town, and shall have power to require any person so
offending to give security to keep the peace, or in default thereof may com-
mit said person to the county jail for not more than thirty days, or may,
for the commission of said offenses, impose a fine on such person of not
more than five dollars; and such person in default of payment thereof
*Sec. 11 (Sec. 51 in this Article) was evidently Intended.