3166 ARTICLE 15.
ceedings and enter the yeas and nays on any question, resolution or ordi-
nance at the request of any member.
1906, ch. 227, sec. 11.
51. The said commissioners shall have the power to suppress all dis-
orderly meetings; to prohibit the use of profane, indecent, seditious or
riotous language, drunkenness, fighting and disorderly conduct in said
town; to regulate the firing of cannon, guns, pistols, squibs or any kind
of firearms and fireworks in said town; to prevent the running at large
in said town of all animals; to prevent any immoderate riding or driving
through the streets of said town with carriage, stage, cart, wagon, sleigh,
bicycle or other vehicle, or on horseback, so as to endanger the lives, limbs
or property of the citizens or corporation, or disturb the quiet enjoyment
of the streets or thoroughfares of said town; to prevent indecent exhibi-
tion of every kind; to preserve order and secure persons and property
from violence, danger or destruction within said town, and prescribe fines,
penalties and forfeitures for the violation of any of the said ordinances;
but no fine or penalty shall exceed the sum of twenty-five dollars, and all
fines and penalties imposed by said ordinances shall be collected as other
fines, penalties and forfeitures are collected under the laws of the State;
and all fines, when collected, shall be promptly paid to the treasurer of
the corporation for the use of the town; and in case of default in the pay-
ment of such fines, penalties and forfeitures, and the costs attending their
imposition and collection of the same, the offender may be imprisoned in
the town or county jail for a term not exceeding thirty days, in the same
manner as commitments are made for fines imposed by the Circuit Court
for the judicial district in which said town is situated, on conviction for
misdemeanor; but any party fined or subject to a fine or forfeiture may,
. after the same be imposed, supersede or stay the same for five days by
giving ample security to the officer imposing the same; and any party sub-
ject to a fine, penalty or forfeiture, by virtue of any of the provisions of
this Act shall have right of appeal within five days thereafter to the Cir-
cuit Court of Kent County, upon giving ample security for the payment
of such fine and costs. All ordinances shall be posted for five days in
some public place in said Betterton, and the certificate of the secretary
entered upon the records of the corporation shall be due evidence of the
passage and publication of the ordinance, respectively. All ordinances
shall be enforced from and after the date of their last respective publi-
1906, ch. 227, sec. 12.
52. The said commissioners shall have full power to make all regula-
tions and ordinances not inconsistent with the constitution and laws of
this State as from time to time they may deem necessary or expedient
for the comfort, convenience and prosperity of the said town and its
inhabitants; for the prevention, removal or abatement of any nuisance and
the preservation of health, the suppression of vice and immorality, and