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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3168   View pdf image (33K)
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3168 ARTICLE 15.

may be committed to the county jail for a period of not more than thirty

1906, ch. 227, gee. 17.

56. The said commissioners shall have the power to levy and collect
taxes in said town not exceeding the rate of thirty cents on the hundred
dollars in any one year, on all assessable property in said town, on the
same basis of assessment as the said property shall for said year be as-
sessed for State and county purposes; provided, that all property in said
corporate limits used only for agricultural purposes shall only be assessed
as such agricultural property and not as town lots. On the first day of
July in each year taxes shall be deemed to be in arrears and interest shall
be charged and collected from that date until paid; and immediately after
the first day of July the collector of taxes shall deliver to each delinquent,
who has not prior thereto received the same, an account of his assessment
and the taxes and interest due thereon, with a notice and warning to said
delinquent thereto attached, that unless payment be made in full within
thirty days from the delivery of said notice, the same will be collected by
process of law; and the said collector may at any time after the first day
of July proceed to seize, levy upon and sell the property of said delin-
quent, or so much thereof as may be necessary to pay said taxes with in-
terest and costs thereon, and on the first day of September of each year
the collector shall immediately proceed to collect all unpaid tax bills by
seizing, levying upon, advertising and selling said property, or so much
thereof as may be necessary to pay said taxes, together with interest
charges and costs of sale, and for this purpose the said collector is hereby
clothed with all the powers possessed by collectors of taxes under the Code
of Public General Laws.

1906, ch. 227, sec. 18.

57. The said commissioners may erect lamps in any of the streets, lanes
or alleys of said town, and cause the same to be lighted at the public ex-

1906, ch. 227, sec. 19.

58. The said commissioners shall have the power to establish the limit
and width of the streets of said town and to improve the same, and remove
obstructions therefrom, and may open new streets, lanes and alleys; that
the said commissioners shall have the power to provide for the payment
of damages and expenses of opening, widening and laying out, grading,
improving and keeping in good condition, the streets, lanes, alleys and
sidewalks in said town, and for the purpose may levy and assess the prop-
erty adjoining such improvements to the extent the same may be benefited
thereby; provided, that the property owners may appeal from their deci-
sion in like manner as other similar appeals are taken to the Circuit Court
of Kent County.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 3168   View pdf image (33K)
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