1906, ch. 227, sec. 2. 1908, ch. 714 (p. 872), sec. 2.
38. The boundary line of the town of Betterton shall be as follows:
The southern boundary line shall be a straight line parallel with the
Howell's Point road drawn one hundred and fifty feet south of the south
side of said road, beginning in the lands now or recently owned by Frank
Canby at a point one hundred and eighty feet east of the middle line of
the Betterton road and ending in the line dividing the lands of Capt.
Harvey Brice from the lands of William J. Coleman. The eastern bound-
ary line shall be a straight line beginning at the eastern end of the
southern boundary line aforesaid, and running north two degrees and
twenty minutes east to the middle of the channel of Sassafras river, a
distance of about six thousand feet. The western boundary line shall be
a straight line beginning at the western end of the southern boundary
line aforesaid, and running parallel with the east boundary line afore-
said, north two degrees and twenty minutes east to the middle of the
channel of the Sassafras river aforesaid, a distance of about six thousand
feet. The northern boundary line shall be the middle of the channel of
Sassafras river from the eastern to the western boundary lines aforesaid.
1927, ch. 530, sec. 1.
39. The corporate limits of the town of Betterton shall be extended
so as to include, in addition to the boundaries established by Section 38
of this Article, all of that part of the lands formerly belonging to the
Betterton Bayside Land Company of Kent County, and particularly de-
scribed as follows:
Beginning at a point on the mean high water line of Sassafras River,
which point marks the North end of the division line between Stoneton,
the property of Miss Nancy M. Price, and that of the Betterton Bayside
Land Company, thence running the following courses and distances:
(1) South 2 deg. 18 min. west 580 feet to a point on aforesaid division
line, thence by a line parallel with and distant southwardly 125 feet from
South side of First Avenue; (2) North 87 deg. 42 min. west 1535 feet
to a point, thence parallel with and distant eastwardly 125 feet from the
east side of Glen Street; (3) South 9 deg. 43 min. west 260 feet to a
point, thence; (4) North 87 deg. 42 min. west 130 feet to the point
which marks the intersection of the East side of Glen Street and the South
side of Second Avenue; thence (5) South 2 deg. 18 min. west 455 feet
to a point on the south side of Third Avenue extended; thence (6) North
87 deg. 42 min. west 250 feet to a point on the South side of Third Ave-
nue, thence running parallel with 15 foot alley and distant eastwardly
385 feet from the east side of said 15 foot alley (7) South 2 deg. 18 min.
west 600 feet to a point on the line of the South side of Fourth Avenue
extended; thence (8) North 87 deg. 42 min. west 385 feet to the point,
which marks the intersection of the South side of Fourth Avenue, and the
East side of 15 foot alley, thence along the East side of said Alley; (9)
South 2 deg. 18 min. west 920 feet to a point on the present South bound-
ary line of Betterton extended, thence along said extended boundary line