3162 ARTICLE 15.
(10) North 87 deg. 42 min. west 50 feet to a point, which marks the east
end of the South boundary line of Betterton, thence along the present
East boundary line of Betterton to the middle of Sassafras River, thence
along the center line of said river to a point on the first line herein de-
scribed reversed and extended to the middle of Sassafras River thence
along said extended line to the beginning.
1927, ch. 530, sec. 2.
40. The right of way over the lands known as the Hotel Rigbie prop-
erty, and which said right of way, was on the 14th day of March, 1927,
conveyed by The Betterton Bayside Land Company of Kent County, et
al., to The Commissioners of Betterton, is hereby declared to be a public
thoroughfare, highway or street of the town of Betterton, the same to be
used and enjoyed for convenience of pedestrians, and it is further declared
that the said Commissioners of Betterton shall assume the exclusive re-
sponsibility for the upkeep, care, and repair of said thoroughfare, high-
way, or street, which is particularly described and bounded as follows:
The width of said thoroughfare, highway or street is ten feet throughout
its entire lengih.
Beginning at a point South 1 deg. 33 min. West 178.3 feet from a
granite stone 7" x 7" x 30" set at the north end of the east side line of Main
Street, Betterton, and running thence North 73 deg. 06 min. East 53.08
feet; (2) North 79 deg. 47 min. East 19.55 feet; (3) South 89 deg. 33
min. east 90.31 feet; (4) South 80 deg. 33 min. East 56.52 feet; (5)
South O deg. 15 min. West 22.94 feet; (6) South 58 deg. 35 min. East
16.62 feet; (7) South 81 deg. 49 min. East 22.36 feet to the west side
of Bay View Road.
1927, ch. 530, sec. 3.
41. The Commissioners of Betterton shall maintain the bridge connect-
ing the streets designated and named Boulevard and Glen, which said
bridge now connects the aforesaid streets, and which is located within that
part of the town of Betterton created by Section 40 of this subtitle; and
the said Commissioners of Betterton shall assume full and exclusive re-
sponsibility for the maintenance, upkeep, care, and repair of said bridge;
that the said Commissioners of Betterton shall maintain all streets and
sidewalks located within that part of Betterton created by Section 40
of this subtitle, and shall assume full and exclusive responsibility for the
maintenance, upkeep, care and repair of said streets and sidewalks; that
the Commissioners of Betterton shall maintain the system of sewerage
heretofore constructed within that part of Betterton created by Section
40 of this subtitle, and shall assume full and exclusive responsibility for
the maintenance, upkeep, care and repair of said sewerage system.
1927, ch. 530, sec. 4.
42. The Commissioners of Betterton shall not levy, or attempt to levy
any taxes or charges of any kind against the property owners of that part