3160 ARTICLE 15.
for stationery and incidental expenses as the Judges of the Circuit Court
for Kent County may deem proper to be paid, together with the costs, if
any, of summoning witnesses, and witness fees by the County Commis-
sioners of Kent County, and they shall file their account as such commit-
tee on or before August 1 in each year.
1904, ch. 675, sec. 5.
36. It shall be the duty of the said several boards, and they and each
of them are hereby directed and required to notify all persons having
claims of any kind against any of the said boards or against Kent County,
which are properly payable out of the public funds subject to the control
of any of the said boards, except such as may be pending in any of the
courts of this State, to file said claims and accounts with the proper boards,
so that the same may be examined and passed upon by the said respective
boards before the fifth day of June in each and every year after the pas-
sage of this Act, and any person failing to file his or their accounts or
claims as aforesaid, shall forfeit all right to collect any interest on same
by legal process or otherwise, and no interest shall ever be allowed on
said claims by any board, and if said board or any of said boards allow
any interest they shall individually be guilty of a misdemeanor and as
such be liable to punishment for such misdemeanor, and it shall not be
lawful to make provision for said claims until the levy of the following
year, and then without interest, and same shall in no wise be paid out
of any contingent fund or otherwise; and the said several boards and
officers are hereby directed and required, when requested by the said audit-
ing committee or any member thereof, to lay before the said auditing com-
mittee all books, accounts, vouchers and other papers relating to the receipt
and disbursement of the public funds in their hands or subject to their
control; and the said several boards and officers shall in every way expe-
dite and facilitate the work of the said auditing committee, to the end
that the true financial status and condition of the said several boards and
officers, and of Kent County, may be fully and accurately determined.
1906, ch. 227, sec. 1.
37. The inhabitants of Betterton, in Kent County, Maryland, are
hereby incorporated, and created a corporate body under the name and
style of "The Commissioners of Betterton," and by that name shall have
perpetual succession, sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded in any
court of law or equity whatsoever; may purchase and hold real, personal
and mixed property, and may sell and convey the same, and may have
and use a common seal, and the same alter at pleasure.
*Ch. 174, 1912, authorized Betterton to issue $8,000 of bonds for sewers and
street improvements, and ch. 529, 1927, authorized $25,000 of bonds for street im-
provements—both Acts being approved by the voters.