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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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issued to the coroner, if said coroner be qualified to act, who shall per-
form all the duties of such disqualified sheriff, and be subject to the same
liabilities, and be proceeded against in the same manner, and shall have
the same rights and remedies.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 9-II (p. 22). 1910, ch. 37 (p. 483).

89. The County Commissioners for Allegany County shall, after the
end of this session of the Legislature, pay the Coroner of said county for
his services as such the annual salary of nine hundred dollars, and said
salary shall be in lieu of the fees now paid Coroners under the provisions
of the Code of Public General Laws of this State. Said salary shall be
paid to said Coroner monthly by warrant on the County Treasurer, and
it shall be unlawful for said Coroner to receive or for the said County
Commissioners to pay him any other or further compensation, salary, fee
or recompense of any kind whatsoever for his services as such Coroner;
but for viewing or holding an inquest on the body of any person mur-
dered or slain, or otherwise dead by misadventure, the Coroner shall col-
lect out of the goods and chattels of the person so dead, if any there be,
the sum of five dollars, and pay the same over to the Treasurer of said

county for the use and benefit of said county.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 10-JJ (p. 22).

90. Each juror who may serve on a coroner's inquest shall be entitled
to one dollar per day; but said coroner shall not be entitled to any fees
for summoning or swearing the jurors or witnesses.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 11KK (p. 22).

91. Whenever it shall be necessary for the coroner for Allegany to
view the body of any deceased person, or to hold a jury of inquest over
the body of any deceased person, or to bury any dead person, the said
coroner shall take possession of the money, goods and chattels of said
deceased person found on said dead body or in said county; and said
coroner shall, out of the same, pay expenses of said inquest and burial,
and retain the residue thereof for the period of thirty days. After the
expiration of thirty days, if no relative of said deceased entitled to the
residue of said money, goods and chattels appears to claim the same, the

said coroner shall pay over the same to the treasurer of said county and
take his receipt therefor; and said coroner shall make oath as to the
amount received by him as well as to the costs of said inquest and burial
of said body. It shall be unlawful for any other person under the cir-
cumstances above specified, to take possession of or in any manner inter-
fere with said money, goods and chattels of such deceased person.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 31   View pdf image (33K)
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