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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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or removal shall apply to process in the hands of the coroner for Allegany
County upon the happening of the like event.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 4DD (p. 21).

84. The coroner for Allegany County shall not summon or hold any
jury of inquest over the body of any deceased person where it is known
that the deceased came to his death by accident, mischance, or in any other
manner, except where said person died in jail, or where there are such
circumstances attending the death or case as to amount to a strong proba-
bility or reasonable belief that the deceased came to his death by violence
or by felony.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 5EE (p. 21).

85. Whenever a jury shall be convened by the coroner for Allegany
County, or a justice of the peace acting as coroner, on the body of any
person found dead, or supposed to have died from violence, within said
county, whereon any marks of violence shall appear, the jurors after being
sworn, and also the coroner or justice, may require the attendance of a
physician practicing within the said county, to inform himself, by due
examination of the deceased, of the cause of death, and to testify and give
evidence before the said jury and coroner, or justice, in the premises, but
no physician shall be required to appear and make such examination un-
less there be reasonable cause to believe, from marks of violence and other-
wise on the body of the deceased, that the deceased did not come to his-
death from accident or natural causes. If any physician summoned on a
coroner's inquest shall neglect or refuse to attend or to make the examina-
tion required, or to give evidence as aforesaid, he shall be fined as any
other witness.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 6FF (p. 21).

86. The said coroner or justice, in the account of expenses rendered
to the County Commissioners for holding such inquest, shall include such
sum for said physician as said coroner or justice and jurors shall deem
just, not to exceed the sum of ten dollars, which sum shall, with the other
expenses of said inquest, be paid by Allegany County.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 7GG (p. 22).

87. Whenever it shall be necessary for the coroner for Allegany County
to bury any dead person, said coroner shall provide a coffin and bury said
person decently; and the County Commissioners of Allegany County shall
make such allowance to said coroner as they may deem just and reason-
able therefor, to be levied and paid as other county charges.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 8HH (p. 22).

88. In all cases where the sheriff is interested, or nearly related to
any of the parties, or otherwise disqualified to act, all process shall be


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 30   View pdf image (33K)
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