3034 ARTICLE 14.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 18. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
18. No trustee shall furnish, on his own account, supplies of any
description for the use of the almshouse, upon pain of forfeiting the same
to/ the use of the almshouse.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 19. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
19. The overseer may compel any of the inmates of the almshouse,
if of sufficient ability, to work, and shall sell and account for the produce
of their labor.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 20. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
20. Upon complaint to any justice of the peace that any person, from
his disorderly conduct, gives disturbance to a neighborhood, and is likely
to become chargeable to the county, the said justice, if upon hearing the
party he shall judge the complaint to be well founded, may commit such
disorderly person to the almshouse for any time not longer than three
months, unless he shall find security, at the discretion of the justice, in
any sum not exceeding fifty dollars, for his good behavior for the space of
six months.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 21. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
21. Upon complaint and due proof made by any one trustee, or the
overseer, to a justice of the peace of the county, that any person in the
said almshouse has behaved in a disorderly manner, or has refused or
neglected to obey any of the rules and by-laws of said corporation, such
justice may direct such moderate and proper correction, not exceeding
thirty-nine lashes for any one offense, to be given to such offender, as the
nature of the case may require.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 22. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
22. Any trustee may, under his hand, in writing, appoint what poor
shall be received into said almshouse.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 23. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
23. Any justice of the peace of the county, or any person authorized
and appointed by said justice, may apprehend and commit to said alms-
house any rogues, vagrants, vagabonds, beggars and other idle, dissolute
and disorderly persons found loitering or residing in said county, and
having no visible means of subsistence, and following no trade or occupa-
tion, there to be kept at hard labor for any period not exceeding three
months; and the overseer shall receive and employ them accordingly.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 24. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
24. The penalties and forfeitures imposed in Sections 3 and 9 may
be recovered by action of debt, or by indictment in the circuit court for
said county, for the use of the almshouse.