P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 25. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
25. All sheriffs, bailiffs, constables and other officers shall aid the said
trustees, and the officers appointed by them, in the discharge of their
respective duties.
P. L. L., 1888, Art. 14, sec. 26. 1860, Art. 13, sec. 1.
26. If any person shall be sued or prosecuted for anything done in
pursuance of this sub-title of this article, or anything therein contained,
he may plead the general issue and give the special matter in evidence;
and if upon trial, verdict shall be found for the defendant, or the plain-
tiff be non-suited or discontinue, the defendant shall recover treble costs;
and if the plaintiff shall be unable to pay them, they shall be paid by the
attorney who brought or prosecuted the suit, unless the plaintiff shall
give security therefor, to be approved by the court.
1914, ch. 74, sec. 1.
27. No person shall be entitled to engage in business as an auctioneer
in Howard County unless he shall have first taken out a license as here-
inafter provided.
1914, ch. 74, sec. 2.
28. It shall be the duty of the Clerk of the Circuit Court of said
County to issue auctioneer licenses to such persons as may apply for and
be entitled to them under this Act, and according to the conditions and
provisions of this Act, the amount so received from said license to be
paid to the School Commissioners of Howard County to be credited by
them to the school fund of said County.
1914, ch. 74, sec. 3.
29. Each applicant for such a license shall pay the yearly sum of
ten dollars ($10.00) if he be a resident of said County; the sum of
twenty-five dollars ($25.00) if he be a resident of the State outside of
said County; and the sum of fifty dollars ($50.00) if he be not a resident
of the State; and no license shall be issued by said Clerk of the County
Court to any such person until the aforesaid license fee has been paid
and until such person has made oath as to his place of residence.
1914, ch. 74, sec. 4.
30. Every person conducting a sale in violation of Section 27 of this
sub-title shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof
shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars in the
discretion of the Court.