cation within one week of the filing of said report and containing a notice
that said County Commissioners will hold not less than three meetings,
naming the time and place thereof, during said month of December for
the purpose of receiving and hearing recommendations, suggestions or
objections of any taxpayer of Harford County in regard to any matter
or thing contained in said plan. Said County Commissioners at the con-
clusion of the last of said meetings and on or before the first day of Janu-
ary thereafter, shall have power to change, alter or modify said compre-
hensive plan of said Roads Engineer, but said comprehensive plan as sub-
mitted or as changed, altered or modified by said County Commissioners
on or before, the said first day of January, shall be binding on said County
Commissioners during the ensuing fiscal road year and it shall be the duty
of said Roads Engineer to see that said plan is carried out in every
1929, ch. 487, sec. 451F.
448. The County Roads Engineer shall give bond to the County Com-
missioners of Harford County conditioned upon the faithful discharge
of his duties and the protection of said County Commissioners against
loss or damage by reason of any act, default, neglect, false or fraudulent
statement of his whatsoever in the penal sum of $10,000. He shall have
no pecuniary interest in the affairs of any person, company or corpora-
tion from whom or which he makes any purchase or with whom or which
the County Commissioners make any contract, in respect to county roads
and bridges, or in any contract in relation to the same. The County
Roads Engineer shall receive a salary, the amount thereof to be fixed by
the County Commissioners, and traveling expenses to be determined by
said County Commissioners.*
1916, ch. 680, sec. 452.
449. The board of county school commissioners shall not expend for
school purposes, or for any other purpose, a greater sum of money in any-
one year than shall be annually levied for school purposes, by the county
commissioners, in addition to the amount annually received by the said
school commissioners from the treasurer of the State; and they shall not
borrow any sum of money in any one year in excess of their actual re-
ceipts and incomes for such year, as provided by law; and it shall not
be lawful for said county school commissioners to contract or pay any
debt in excess of the annual revenue provided by law for school purposes;
nor shall the county commissioners assume or pay any debt or any por-
tion thereof contracted in violation of the provisions of this section.
*Secs. 443-448 are to be submitted to the voters of Harford County for ap-
proval or rejection at the election in November, 1930. If adopted, they will be-
come effective January 1, 1932.
+Ch. 237, 1920, authorized County Commissioners to issue $60,000 of bonds for
schools. Ch. 108, 1922, authorized $250,000 of bonds for schools, this Act being
approved by the voters.