3008 ARTICLE 13.
by them in writing said purchase shall be made after requesting bids
therefor, and the bill for said purchase, together with the requisition ap-
proved by said County Commissioners with a memorandum of the bids
received attached thereto, shall be immediately presented by said Roads
Engineer to said County Commissioners for payment. Bills shall be paid
promptly with a view of securing the largest possible discount. Requisi-
tions, receipted bills and all other original papers and accounts shall be
preserved in the office of the County Commissioners and be open to the
inspection of any taxpayer of Harford County. The County Roads Engi-
neer shall inspect the roads and bridges of the county as often as may be
necessary to thoroughly familiarize himself with the conditions and re-
quirements of the county generally and make such special examinations,
surveys and report as the County Commissioners may require. He shall
have full power to suspend work being done by contract if the same is
not in his judgment being done according to the contract and the County
Commissioners when work is being done by contract shall make no pay-
ment except upon the written certificate of said Roads Engineer that said
work has been done in conformity with such contract.
1929, ch. 487, sec. 451E.
447. Said Enginer shall annually on or before the first day of Febru-
ary in each year make a written report to said County Commissioners
covering the condition of the county roads and the improvements that
have been made in each district in the twelve months ending on the last
day of the preceding December, showing the amount and kind of mate-
rial used on each road with a detailed statement of its cost and the amount
and cost of labor on each road and the amount of money expended for
road purposes in each district. Said report shall contain a concise state-
ment of the amount of money expended in each district and for what
items, which concise statement shall be immediately published by the
County Commissioners for two successive weeks in one or more news-
papers published in Harford County. On or before the first day of De-
cember in each year said County Roads Engineer shall submit a written
report, supplemented with plats as he may see fit, to the County Com-
missioners of Harford County, which report shall embrace a comprehen-
sive plan of road and bridge work, repair and construction in Harford
County for the ensuing fiscal road year, showing as closely as may be the
several district funds, and the general road and bridge fund and other avail-
able funds and how they are to be expended and on what roads and bridges,
naming them, and the character in detail of the repairs and new con-
struction, and the estimated cost of each item, and what proportion of
the road money is for new construction, and what proportion is for main-
tenance and repairs, and what proportion of each fund is set apart and
reserved for salaries, incidentals and contingencies, in detail. Notice of
the filing of said report embracing said comprehensive plan of road work
for the ensuing fiscal road year shall be published by the County Commis-
sioners in such newspaper or newspapers as they may see fit, the first publi-