3002 ARTICLE 13.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 427.
424. All notices concerning the opening, altering, locating or widen-
ing any public road, all reports of the school commissioners that are
required to be published, all lists of county expenses, amd levies and notices
or other papers issuing from the county commissioners, required by law
to be published, shall be published in at least two newspapers printed in
the county.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 428.
425. The judges of the Orphans' Court for said county shall meet
Tuesday in each week during the year if the public business requires it,
and that all process shall be returnable on the first Tuesday in each and
every month, unless otherwise directed by said court.
1920, ch. 196. 1927, ch. 391.
426. The judges of the Orphans' Court of Harford County shall each
receive the sum of eight dollars for every day's attendance upon the
sessions of said Court, to be paid at least as often as at the end of each
and every quarter after the qualification of said judges, by the county.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 429.
427. They may adjourn from day to day if the public business requires
it, but they shall not so adjourn to meet more than one day in each week
unless it be necessary to finish the trial of a case then pending; and they
shall have the power to appoint a bailiff, who shall receive one dollar and
a half for every day he may be in attendance upon the session of the
court, to be levied for and paid by the County Commissioners.
1924, ch. 487.
428. The County Treasurer of Harford County is hereby authorized
and directed to pay over to the Harford County Fair Association, Inc.,
the amount which he receives each year from the Maryland Racing Com-
mission as license fees paid by the said Association to the said State
Racing Commission.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 440.
429. The register of wills, during the recess of the Orphans' Court,
shall have full power and jurisdiction to do all matters and things whatso-
*Secs. 430-439A of ch. 680, 1916, relating to Harford County Racing Commission,
superseded by ch. 273, 1920 (Art. 78B of Annotated Code), creating State Racing