1916, ch. 680, sec. 425.
421. In any indictment under this sub-title of this article for violations
of the provisions of the preceding sections thereof, it shall not be necessary
to specify the particular kind of liquor which any person, house, com-
pany, association or body corporate, bartered, sold or gave away, or
solicited or received orders for the purchase of, or kept deposited or had,
with intent to barter, sell or give away, or that the same be bartered, sold
or given away in violation of said provisions, but it shall be sufficient if
the indictment sets forth that the traverser bartered, sold or gave away,
or solicited or received orders for the purchase of, or kept deposited or
had, with intent to barter, sell or give away spirituous or fermented
liquors or intoxicating drinks, or with intent that the same be bartered,
sold or given away in violation of said provisions.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 426.
422. If any person shall hire from any livery stable keeper in Har-
ford County any horse, mare, gelding or vehicle of any description whatso-
ever to go to any certain place or any certain distance, and shall secretly
use said horse, mare, gelding or vehicle for greater distance, or in going
to some other place than so hired, without promptly reporting and making
known such increased or additional use to said stable keeper, and shall
fail or refuse to immediately pay the said stable keeper a reasonable com-
pensation for the additional use of said horse, mare, gelding or vehicle,
which additional compensation shall be rated in proportion to the in-
creased distance and use, such person shall, on conviction before any
Justice of the Peace for Harford County, forfeit and pay a fine of not
less than, five dollars or more than twenty-five dollars, and upon failure or
refusal to pay said fine and casts, shall be committed by such Justice of
the Peace to the jail of Harford County for a period not exceeding thirty
days, and in case of conviction as aforesaid the accused shall have as right
of appeal to the Circuit Court for Harford County, upon entering recog-
nizance with surety to be approved by the Justice of the Peace, and in
every such case the appead shall be taken within ten days after the date
of his conviction.
1918, ch. 45.
423. The Governor by and with the advice and consent of the Senate
is hereby authorized to appoint and commission ten Notaries Public for
Harford County, in addition to the number now allowed by law, five of
whom may be females.
See Art. 68, sec. 1, which authorizes Governor to appoint any number of notaries
of both sexes.