ever which the said Orphans' Court could do at its regular sessions; and
there shall be the same right of appeal from any order, decree or judg-
ment of said register, as from the orders, decision's or judgments of said
Orphans' Court.
Maynadier v. Armstrong, 98 Md. 177. Daugherty v. Daugherty, 131 Md. 489.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 441.
430. It shall be the official duty of the register of wills for said county,
to keep regularly a continuous general index or key to guardians' accounts,
and to wills in his office.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 442.
431. The deputy of the register of wills is empowered to administer all
oaths that the register of wills is by law empowered to administer.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 443.
432. Hugh T. Bay, register of wills of Harford County, is hereby au-
thorized to make a complete index of all wills now on record in the
Orphans' Court for Harford County; for which services he shall be en-
titled to receive such fair and reasonable compensation as may be mutually
agreed upon between him and the Board of County Commissioners of
Harford County, not, however, exceeding the sum of $75.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 445.
433. John Archer, Alfred H. Wilson and Henry A. Whitaker are
hereby appointed Commissioners, and they or a majority of them are
authorized and empowered by virtue of this Act to contract for and super-
intend the furnishing of the office of the Register of Wills of Harford
County with steel furnishings, including files, book cases and other
necessary equipment, of an approved system and make now in use, of
which system and make said Commissioners shall determine.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 446.
434. Said Commissioners shall inquire into and put into operation
and effect a proper system of filing and classifying all papers in said
office and shall set apart such unrecorded papers now in said office, which
involve or concern real estate, real estate holdings or the titles thereto, and
have them properly recorded and indexed by the Register of Wills of
Harford County at the usual rate charged for such work in said office;
not including, however, papers filed in proceedings, now and hereafter,
depending in said Court, the recording and indexing of which shall be
paid by the parties to the proceedings as now required by law.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 447.
435. The County Commissioners of Harford County are hereby au-
thorized and required to levy upon the assessable property of said County
as other County charges are levied, a sum or sums not exceeding $2,400,
sufficient to pay for said files, cases, equipment and fixtures and for said