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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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1924, ch. 153.

80. The County Commissioners of Allegany, Washington and Garrett.
Counties are hereby respectively authorized and directed to pay each of
the two Associate Judges of the Circuit Court of said counties, $825.00,
$750.00 and $175.00, respectively annually from and after June 1, 1924,
in equal monthly instalments, and the said County Commissioners re-
spectively are hereby authorized and directed to levy upon the assessable
property of the said counties for court purposes a tax sufficient to pay
said amounts.


1908, ch. 475, sec. 1AA (p. 20).

81. The Governor shall, by and with the advice and consent of the
Senate, appoint a citizen of Allegany County as coroner for said county,
and said coroner shall hold office for the term of two years. The coroner
in office in said county when this Act takes effect shall serve out the term
for which he was appointed, but shall receive no greater compensation for
his services than is prescribed in this Act, and he shall be governed by the
provisions of this Act in the discharge of his official duties.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 2BB (p. 20).

82. The coroner for Allegany County before he acts as such shall,
within twenty days after this Act takes effect, and in each and every year
thereafter, give bond to the State of Maryland with securities to be ap-
proved by the judges of the Orphans' Court, or some of them, in the pen-
alty of three thousand dollars, with a condition that he will well and truly
execute the office of coroner in all things thereunto belonging, and shall
also well and faithfully execute and return all writs or other process to him
directed; and shall also pay and deliver to the person or persons entitled
to receive the same all sums of money, all goods and chattels by him levied,
seized or taken agreeably to the direction of the writ or other process under
which the same shall have been levied, seized or taken; and shall also keep
and detain in safe custody all and every person committed to his custody,
or by him taken in execution, or which shall be committed for want of bail,
without suffering them to escape or depart from his custody, and shall also
satisfy and pay all judgments which be rendered against him as coroner,
and shall also well and truly execute and perform the several duties re-
quired of or imposed upon him by the laws of the State; and the said bond
;shall immediately after the execution thereof be recorded in the office of
the clerk of the Circuit Court for Allegany County.

1908, ch. 475, sec. 3CC (p. 21).

83. The provisions of the Code of Public General Laws of Maryland
in relation to the return of process in the hands of a sheriff upon his death


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 29   View pdf image (33K)
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