2998 ARTICLE 13.
is brought on said warrant, he shall be allowed and receive for such at-
tendance the sum of fifty cents, the same to be paid by the County Com-
missioners of said county, to be annually levied by them.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 415.
410. The aforesaid fees of said constables and justices for said counties
shall be taxed against and paid by the party against whom judgment shall
be rendered, unless he be discharged therefrom by due course of law; if
such party against whom judgment is rendered is unable to pay the same,
such fees shall be paid by the county wherein said judgment was ren-
dered; and all fines and penalties received by any justice shall be accounted
for and wholly paid, without abatement or deduction therefrom by such
justice, to the county commissioners of the county wherein they are
collected, for the use of said county; and no part of any fine or penalty
enforced or collected shall be paid to any informer.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 416.
411. The county commissioners are authorized, if in their judgment
the public convenience shall require it, to locate, establish and improve a
public landing on the Susquehanna river, at or near Lapidum or Bell's
ferry, in said county.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 417.
412. They are authorized, if in their judgment the public convenience
shall require it, to locate, establish and improve a public landing on the
east side of Bush river, at or near a point called "The Sod," in said county.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 418.
413. The same proceedings shall be had to locate, improve and estab-
lish said public landing as are required by law to open a public road.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 419. 1929, ch. 90, sec. 419.
414. It shall not be lawful for any person, or any house, company or
association, or body corporate, to sell, directly or indirectly, or to solicit
or receive orders for the purchase of, at any place within the limits of
Harford County, or to give away, or dispose of under any device what-
soever, at his or their place of business, within the limits of said county,
any spirituous or fermented liquors or alcoholic bitters, or intoxicating
drinks of any kind, or tonic beer, lager beer, schnapps or gin, or any
article used and sold as a beverage, in the composition of which whiskey,
brandy, high wines or alcohol, or any spirituous or fermented liquors shall
be an ingredient or ingredients, nor shall any license be granted for the
sale of the same in said county.
Grey v. State, 96 Md. 693. Curry T. State, 117 Md. 587.