him, either party shall feel aggrieved, there shall be right of appeal to
the Circuit Court for Harford County; in case the judgment of the jus-
tice of the peace is against the accused, and he shall appeal, he shall enter
into recognizance with the penalty to be fixed and the security to be
approved by the justice of the peace, and in every such case the appeal
shall be taken within ten (10) days after judgment entered.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 411.
406. In all cases provided by the Acts of Assembly for punishment
upon conviction before justices of the peace, for offenses committed in
Harford County, the said offenders may be presented by the Grand Jury
of the Circuit Court for said county, instead of before a justice of the
peace, and in all cases of criminal offenses in which justices of the peace
of Harford County may by law now existing or hereafter to be enacted,
have jurisdiction to hear and determine, the Circuit Court for Harford
County shall have concurrent jurisdiction over said offenses by indict-
ment of the grand jury.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 412.
407. Constables in said county shall be entitled to the fees prescribed
by law for the particular services rendered by them under the preceding
section; and the said justices shall be entitled to charge for their respec-
tive services in said criminal cases the following fees: For issuing each
State writ, twenty-five cents; for summoning all the witnesses on both
sides in any case, fifty cents; for each trial, one dollar; for every com-
mitment, twenty-five cents; for every release, twenty-five cents; for tak-
ing recognizance in each case reported to the Circuit Court, twenty-five
cents each; for each attachment for contempt, twenty-five cents.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 413.
408. Constables of Harford County are hereby authorized and em-
powered to execute commitments issued by justices of the peace of Har-
ford County, committing persons to the House of Correction and other
State institutions, and to convey and deliver the person or persons so
committed to said institutions; and shall receive for said services from
the County Commissioners of said county to be levied annually by them,
the sum of ten dollars and cost of transportation.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 414.
409. Whenever any of said constables shall make an arrest under a
State warrant and bring the prisoner before a justice of the peace of the
county, he shall be allowed and receive, in addition to the seventy-five
cents now allowed by law for serving said warrant, five cents per mile
in excess of five miles, for every mile he may have to travel in the per-
formance of said service, and the actual necessary traveling expenses of
each prisoner, and whenever he shall attend a regular hearing or trial
of said prisoner before the justice of the peace before whom the prisoner