1916, ch. 680, sec. 420. 1929, ch. 90, sec. 420.
415. No person, house, company, association or body corporate shall
deposit, keep or have in his or their possession, any spirituous or fer-
mented liquors, alcoholic bitters or intoxicating drinks of any kind, or
tonic beer, lager beer, schnapps or gin, or any article used and sold as a
beverage, in the composition or compounding of which whiskey, brandy,
high wines or alcoholic or spirituous or fermented liquors shall be an
ingredient or ingredients, with intent to barter or sell or give away the
same in violation of the provisions of the preceding section, or with intent
that the same shall be bartered or sold, or given away, in violation thereof,
within the limits of said county, or to aid or assist-any person, house, com-
pany, association or body corporate in such barter, sale or gift.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 421. 1929, ch. 90, sec. 421.
416. If any person, house, company, association or body corporate shall
violate any of the provisions of the two preceding sections, he or they
shall, on each and every conviction thereof, before any court or Justice
of the Peace, be sentenced to be confined in the Maryland House of
Correction not less than thirty days nor more than six months, or for-
feit and pay a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than
six hundred dollars, and costs of prosecution, or be both fined and impris-
oned in the discretion of the Court or Magistrate, as the case may be,
and failing to pay any such fine and costs forthwith, shall be sentenced
to be confined in the Maryland House of Correction, for a term not less
than three months nor more than twelve months, or until such fine and
costs are paid.
1924, ch. 296.
417. The provisions of the three preceding sections shall not apply, nor
be construed to apply, to registered druggists or pharmacists holding a
permit from the United States Government to dispense liquor or intoxi-
cating drinks on prescriptions of regularly practicing physicians, and
any and all duly registered druggists or pharmacists holding such per-
mits engaged in such business or who shall hereafter engage in the drug
business in Harford County shall be, and they are hereby authorized to
buy, hold and dispense within said county alcoholic liquors for medicinal
purposes under the license and authority of the United States Government.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 422.
418. In the trial of any person, or any house, company, association or
body corporate, for a violation of any of the preceding sections of this
sub-title of this article, it shall be lawful for the 'State to prove that such
person, house, company, association or body corporate, on trial, has or
have paid (if such be the case) a special tax to the government of the
United States, under the internal revenue laws thereof, upon or for his
or its business as brewers or retail dealers in liquors, or wholesale dealers
in liquors, or retail dealers in malt liquors, or wholesale dealers in malt