2996 ARTICLE 13.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 408.
403. In all such cases before the justices of the peace in and for the
counties above named, either party shall be allowed an appeal to the
Circuit Court for the county in which the offense was committed, where
they shall be tried de novo, and all such appeals shall be taken in such
manner as is now provided for by law in other cases of appeals from
judgments of justices of the peace.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 409.
404. The several justices of the peace for the said counties are au-
thorized and required to pay to the county commissioners of said counties,
every three months, all the money or moneys they may have in hand at
such times, arising from fines or penalties imposed under the two pre-
ceding sections.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 410.
405. The several justices of the peace of Harford County shall have
in addition to the jurisdiction which they now possess and which may be
conferred upon them by or under the laws of this State, jurisdiction con-
current with that exercised by the Circuit Court for said county in all
cases of assault without any felonious intent, and in all cases of as-
sault and battery, and in all cases of petit larceny when the value of
the property stolen does not exceed the sum of five dollars and in all
misdemeanors not punishable by confinement in the penitentiary, which
may be committed within their jurisdiction, and shall have jurisdic-
tion in all prosecutions or proceedings for the recovery of any penalty
for doing or omitting to do any act the doing of which, or the omission
to do which, is made punishable under the laws of this State, within their
said jurisdiction, by any pecuniary fine or penalty, or by imprisonment
in jail or in the Maryland House of Correction; all of which acts or
omissions are hereby declared to be criminal offenses; and the said jus-
tices shall have power to issue all process and to do all acts which may
be necessary to the exercise of their said jurisdiction; and may try and
determine all cases whereof they may have jurisdiction; and may pro-
nounce judgment and sentence therein, in the same manner and to the
same extent, as the Circuit Court for said county could in such cases, if
such cases were tried before them, without the intervention of a jury;
provided, however, that if any person, when brought before any such jus-
tice having jurisdiction of the case, shall, before trial for the alleged
offense, pray a jury trial, or if the State's Attorney for said county shall,
before the trial of such alleged offense, pray a jury trial on the part of
the State, it shall be the duty of any such justice to commit such alleged
offender for the action of the Grand Jury of the Circuit Court for Har-
ford County, and to return said commitment or recognizance, with the
names and the residences of the witnesses for the prosecution endorsed
thereon, forthwith to the clerk of said court; and the justice before whom
the case is tried shall inform the person charged of his right to a jury
trial. And if on waiver of jury trial before the justice, and trial before