1916, ch. 680, aec. 403.
398. It shall not be lawful for any person not a permanent resident of
this State to come into Harford County, for the purpose of carrying on the
business of huckstering, by gathering butter, eggs, poultry, etc., without
having first obtained from the Clerk of the Circuit Court for such county,
a license therefor.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 404.
399. For any and every license thus granted, the said clerk shall de-
mand and be entitled to receive as follows: for a license to employ not
more than one team of not less than three horses or mules, the sum of
eighty dollars; for a license to employ not more than one team of not
more than two horses or mules, the sum of sixty dollars; for a license to
employ not more than one team of not more than one horse or mule, the
sum of forty dollars.
1916, ch. 680, aec. 405.
400. Any person violating the provisions of Section 398, upon con-
viction thereof, shall be subject to a fine of fifty dollars, which fine shall
he collectible as small debts are now collected, one-half to the informer,
and the other half to be applied to the use of the public schools of the
1916, ch. 680, sec. 406. 1922, ch. 138.
401. There shall be the following number of justices of the peace and
constables for Harford County, to wit: For Election District No. 1, five
justices of the peace and three constables; for Election District No. 2, five
justices of the peace and three constables; for Election District No. 3, nine
justices of the peace and four constables; for Election District No. 4,
seven justices of the peace and three constables; for Election District No.
5, seven justices of the peace and three constables; for Election District
No. 6, four justices of the peace and two constables.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 407.
402. The justices of the peace in and for Harford, Charles, Dorchester,
Caroline, Carroll, Kent, Prince George's, Queen Anne's, Worcester, Anne
Arundel, and Calvert Counties, shall have jurisdiction over and may take
cognizance of all actions of assault and battery in which the damages
claimed do not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars; and also criminal
jurisdiction in all cases of assault and battery committed in said counties,
unless it shall appear to the said justices of the peace, upon the hearing
of the case, that the said assault and battery was committed with intent
to kill.