2994 ARTICLE 13.
exempt from all State, county and municipal taxation and shall have
printed on them a distinct reference to the Act authorizing their issue,
and shall be known as the Municipal Electric Light and Power Bonds
and the proceeds from the sale of said bonds shall be used exclusively for
either the purchase or the erection of a municipal Electric Light and
Power Plant, transmission and distribution system, for said City and
1924, ch. 569, sec. 3.
395. Before any bonds shall be issued under the authority of this Act,
the question of the erection or purchase, as the case may be, of an Electric
Light and Power Plant, transmission and distribution system, for said
City, shall first be submitted to the legally qualified voters of said City
at a regular municipal election or a special election called for that pur-
pose; notice of said special election to be given by advertisement in one
or more newspapers printed and published in Harford County, State of
Maryland, at least twenty (20) days prior to said election, said notice
setting forth the time, place and purpose of said election; and no bonds
shall be issued hereunder unless, at said regular or special election, a
majority of the legally qualified voters of said City voting on the ques-
tion, shall vote in favor of the purchase or erection, as the case may be,
of a municipal Electric Light and Power Plant, transmission and distri-
bution system, for said City.
1924, ch. 569, sec. 4.
396. It shall be the duty of the Mayor and City Council of said City
in each and every year to pay the interest on the outstanding debt created
by this loan and to create a Sinking Fund for the retirement of said
bonds in equal installments within a period of thirty (30) years from
the date of issue, either from the profits of the said Municipal Electric
Light and Power Plant or out of the tax receipts that shall be levied and
collected by the said City, as in their judgment shall be most advanta-
geous to said City's interest from time to time.
1924, ch. 569, sec. 5.
397. All Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with this Act, and all pro-
visions of the City Charter of the City of Havre de Grace, State of Mary-
land, inconsistent with this Act, are hereby repealed and set aside only
to the extent by which said Act or Acts or provisions of the said City
Charter of the City of Havre de Grace, aforesaid, shall invalidate this
Act, but to all other intents and purposes said Act or Acts or provisions
of the City Charter inconsistent with this Act are not repealed or set
aside, but shall have the same force and effect hereafter as heretofore.
Provided, however, that nothing in this Act is intended to affect, or shall
be construed to affect, in any of its phases, the existing controversy be-
tween the Havre de Grace Water Company and the Mayor and City
Council of Havre de Grace.