of Havre de Grace or the Municipal Utility Commission from any and
all provisions of Chapter 180 of the Acts of the General Assembly of
Maryland of 1910, known as the Public Service Commission Law, or
any amendments thereto.
1927, ch. 489.
392. All charges for water or water service made and rendered to the
users thereof by the Municipal Utilities Commission of the City of Havre
de Grace, in accordance with the powers and duties conferred upon it by
law, shall be and constitute a lien upon the property in which, or on
which, said water is, or was used; and said Commission upon satisfac-
tory proof of the rendition of the service shall be entitled to sue and
recover judgment against the owner of said property, for the amount of
said account for services rendered with interest and costs, without regard
to privity of contract; and said judgment when so recovered shall, save
only as to taxes due on said property, constitute a prior lien on the prop-
erty on which, or in which, said service was rendered.
1924, ch. 569, sec. 1.
393. Whenever the Mayor and City Council of the City of Havre de
'Grace, State of Maryyand, shall determine that it is advantageous for
the City's interest to purchase or erect an Electric Light and Power Plant,
transmission and distribution system, for the purpose of supplying elec-
tricity for municipal needs and to the inhabitants of said City and vicinity
for domestic and other purposes or uses having first obtained the approval
and consent of the majority of the legally qualified voters of said City
voting on the question, they are hereby authorized and empowered to bor-
row on the faith and credit of said City, an amount necessary in their
judgment, to purchase or erect an Electric Light and Power Plant, trans-
mission and distribution system, for said City, and to issue bonds there-
for. The amount of bonds to be issued under the authority of this Act
to be no greater than is necessary, in the judgment of the said Mayor
and City Council, to purchase or erect and equip an Electric Light and
Power Plant, transmission and distribution system, for said City, and
in no event the amount to exceed the sum of three hundred thousand
($300,000.00) dollars.*
1924, ch. 569, sec. 2.
394. In the event said loan is approved as hereinafter provided, that
the bonds shall be issued by the Mayor and City Council of Havre de
Grace, State of Maryland, for the purposes aforesaid in such denomina-
tions as the said Mayor and City Council shall deem wise; and said bonds
shall bear interest at the rate of not more than five (5%) per cent, per
annum, payable semi-annually on the first day of January and July in
each and every year until said bonds are paid; and said bonds shall be
*This Act has been submitted to the voters and rejected, but since there is no
provision in the Act that it may not again be submitted, it is included herein.