2950 ARTICLE 13.
or four per cent, phosphoric acid claimed to be contained in such package
shall not be considered as evidence of fraudulent intent.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 246.
263. Suit may be brought for the recovery of fines and damages under
the provisions of this subtitle of this article, in the Circuit Court for
Harford County; and all fines so recovered shall be paid to the clerk to
the county commissioners, to be accounted for and to be disposed of by
lim in the same manner as the fees arising from licenses, as provided for
in section 261.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 247.
264. The clerk to the county commissioners is empowered to select
from any package of commercial fertilizer or bone dust sold in Harford
County, upon the request of the purchaser, a quantity not exceeding two
pounds, which shall be securely enclosed in a tin or glass vessel and depos-
ited with the said clerk, who shall properly number the same, but shall
affix no other marks thereto; and the said clerk shall correctly record the
number of the sample, by whom deposited, the date of the deposit, the
name of the article, and such other information as may be furnished by
the depositor of the sample; and he shall give to the said depositor a
receipt for the sample, setting forth the number by which it is recorded,
and the information furnished him in regard thereto by the depositor;
for every such record and receipt he shall be entitled to a fee of fifty
cents, to be paid by the person depositing the sample; the fee to the
said clerk shall be one dollar, to be paid by the person requesting the said
sample to be drawn; the sample so numbered and described shall be for
analysis to compare with the sample deposited with said clerk, as pro-
vided in Section 258, and with the certificate found on the packages from
which the sample was drawn.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 248.
265. All suits for the recovery of fines under the provisions of this sub-
title of this article shall be brought by the clerk to the county Commis-
sioners in the name of the State of Maryland.
1916, ch. 680, sec. 249.
266. In every suit for the recovery of fines or of damages under the
provisions of this subtitle of this article, the clerk to the county Commis-
sioners shall forward to the chemist, selected under the provisions of
Section 260 for analysis, the numbered sample of commercial fertilizer
or bone dust deposited with the said clerk by the party bringing suit; and
the sworn report of the analysis of such commercial fertilizer or bone
dust by the said chemist shall be received as evidence in the case.
Snowden v. State, 69 Md. 203.