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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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'28 ARTICLE 1.

such copy without charge, and said transcript and also the transcript of
all testimony taken as provided in equity cases shall be filed in the pro-
ceedings in which jgaid notes were taken.

1922, ch. 254, sec. 6.

76. It shall be the duty of said Official Court Stenographer for Wash-
ington County to be in attendance daily to do all the work required of him
or her by the Chief Judge or any of the Associate Judges of said Circuit;
and it shall be the duty of the Official Court Stenographer for Allegany
and Garrett Counties to be in attendance daily to do all the work required
of him or her by the Chief Judge or any of the Associate Judges of said


1922, ch. 254, sec. 7.

77. After said Official Court Stenographers shall be appointed by said
Judges under this Act, that no one shall be appointed under the provisions
of Chapter 186 of the Acts of 1898, Chapter 235, of the Acts of 1904, and
Chapter 790, of the Acts of 1906, of the General Assembly of Maryland,
unless said Official Stenographers or either of them shall be sick or in-
capacitated or for some sufficient reason be unable to be present, in which

event any of the Judges of said circuit may employ a stenographer as pro-
vided in said Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland, who shall receive

$10.00 per day for taking testimony and the fees herein provided for

1922, ch. 254, sec. 8.

78. In all equity cases when the testimony is taken in open court,
and in all cases which shall be appealed by any court to the Court of
Appeals of Maryland, the costs of said stenographer for making the
original transcript in said case shall be taxed and paid as other court
costs are paid in said circuit.


1920, ch. 93. 1924, ch. 173.

79. The employees engaged on duty in the Court House in Cumber-
land, Allegany County, Maryland, employed in the capacity of messengers
to the Court and Bar or as bailiffs to the Grand and Petit Juries, or as

court criers, or in any other capacity in which they may be employed by
the Judges of the Court of Allegany County, shall be entitled to receive as
compensation for their employment the sum of four dollars for each and

every court day or fraction thereof in which they are so employed, and the
County Commissioners of Allegany County shall allow and pay the same
from the funds of Allegany County, Maryland, which are or may be
provided for the expenses of conducting the Circuit Court of Allegany
County, Maryland.


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Code of the Public Local Laws of Maryland, 1930
Volume 377, Page 28   View pdf image (33K)
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